- =encase
English Journal
- Use of combined coagulation-adsorption process as pretreatment of landfill leachate.
- Gandhimathi R, Durai NJ, Nidheesh PV, Ramesh ST, Kanmani S.SourceDepartment of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Iranian journal of environmental health science & engineering.Iranian J Environ Health Sci Eng.2013 Mar 21;10(1):24. doi: 10.1186/1735-2746-10-24.
- Landfill leachate is an important pollution factor resulting from municipal landfill sites. Physical and chemical processes are the better option for pretreatment or full treatment of landfill leachate. This article presents a combination of pre-treatment method (coagulation and adsorption) for leac
- PMID 23517661
- Bilateral inverted papilloma of the middle ear with intracranial involvement and malignant transformation: first reported case.
- Dingle I, Stachiw N, Bartlett A, Lambert P.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2012 Jul;122(7):1615-9. doi: 10.1002/lary.23247. Epub 2012 Mar 23.
- Inverted (Schneiderian) papilloma (IP) is a benign but locally aggressive tumor that is typically located in the sinonasal tract. Middle ear involvement and intracranial extension are rare. We present a patient with a history of a completely resected right nasal cavity IP that returned 7 months late
- PMID 22447665
- In Vitro Susceptibility of C. albicans and C. neoformens to Potential Metabolites from Streptomycetes.
- Shobha KS, Onkarappa R.SourceDepartment of Microbiology, Sahyadri Science College (Autonomous), Kuvempu University, Shimoga, India.
- Indian journal of microbiology.Indian J Microbiol.2011 Oct;51(4):445-9. Epub 2011 Feb 17.
- Forty two Streptomycetes isolates from soils of Kodachadri region in Western ghats were recovered by soil dilution technique. Cross streak method was followed for primary screening of antifungal activity. Positive isolates were subjected to secondary screening by cold extraction of fermentation brot
- PMID 23024405
Japanese Journal
- 台頭するインドと東南アジアの経済関係(2)予備的概観
- 絵所 秀紀
- 経済志林 78(4), 195-301, 2011-03
- … Incase of Thailand, although the Draft Free Trade Agreement was signedbetween India and Thailand in October 2003 and the Early HarvestProgram started in 2004, it does not seem to promote the mutual FDI. …
- NAID 40018747168
- 女性史・ジェンダー史の成果は教科書に生かされているか--日本近世の場合 (特集 歴史教育とジエンダー--教科書からサブカルチャーまで)
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