- the act of applying force suddenly; "the impulse knocked him over" (同)impulsion, impetus
- the transmission of heat or electricity or sound (同)conductivity
- 〈U〉〈C〉(心の)『衝動』,一時の感情,でき心 / 〈C〉『衝撃』,推進力(push);刺激 / 〈C〉インパルス(短時間だけ続く電流) / 〈C〉(神経細胞が起こす)衝動
- (熱・電気の)伝導;(液体を)管などで導くこと
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English Journal
- The genetic basis for inherited forms of sinoatrial dysfunction and atrioventricular node dysfunction.
- Milanesi R1, Bucchi A, Baruscotti M.
- Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing.J Interv Card Electrophysiol.2015 Aug;43(2):121-34. doi: 10.1007/s10840-015-9998-z. Epub 2015 Apr 12.
- The sinoatrial node (SAN) and the atrioventricular node (AVN) are the anatomical and functional regions of the heart which play critical roles in the generation and conduction of the electrical impulse. Their functions are ensured by peculiar structural cytological properties and specific collection
- PMID 25863800
- Vestibular function after cochlear implant surgery.
- Meli A, Aud BM, Aud ST, Aud RG, Cristofari E.
- Cochlear implants international.Cochlear Implants Int.2015 Jul 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Objective The aim of this study was to analyze vestibular function in cochlear implant (CI) patients for iatrogenic damage to vestibular function. Methods Prospective clinical study. Tertiary care audiological center. Twenty-five subjects receiving surgery for cochlear implantation during 2012 and 2
- PMID 26146013
- Model of unidirectional block formation leading to reentrant ventricular tachycardia in the infarct border zone of postinfarction canine hearts.
- Ciaccio EJ1, Coromilas J2, Ashikaga H3, Cervantes DO4, Wit AL5, Peters NS6, McVeigh ER7, Garan H8.
- Computers in biology and medicine.Comput Biol Med.2015 Jul 1;62:254-63. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.04.032. Epub 2015 Apr 29.
- BACKGROUND: When the infarct border zone is stimulated prematurely, a unidirectional block line (UBL) can form and lead to double-loop (figure-of-eight) reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT) with a central isthmus. The isthmus is composed of an entrance, center, and exit. It was hypothesized that f
- PMID 25966920
Japanese Journal
- Cardiotoxic Changes of Colchicine Intoxication in Rats: Electrocardiographic, Histopathological and Blood Chemical Analysis
- Phlorizin Prevents Electrically-Induced Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia during Ischemia in Langendorff-Perfused Guinea-Pig Hearts
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- Saxena added, "The results are the first to demonstrate a biological effect of electromagnetic fields, in vivo, on the restoration of subcellular structures required for nerve impulse conduction and metabolism in nerves, and consequently ...
- Saxena added, "The results are the first to demonstrate a biological effect of electromagnetic fields, in vivo, on the restoration of subcellular structures required for nerve impulse conduction and metabolism in nerves, and consequently ...
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- 英
- impulse conduction
- 同
- 伝導 conduction
- 関
PT. 37
- 興奮が細胞の中で発生部位から他の部位に広がること
- 細胞内で伝わること
- 刺激、(心の)衝動、一時の感情、はずみ、でき心、衝動、行動の原因、推進力、鼓舞、欲求
- 関
- conduct