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- (adj.)impoverish
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- 1. 反社会性人格障害:疫学、臨床症状、経過および診断antisocial personality disorder epidemiology clinical manifestations course and diagnosis [show details]
…drugs is even higher . Homelessness is associated with the presence of ASPD , which may reflect impoverishment related to a poor work record, inability to fulfill obligations (eg, rent payments), or because…
- 2. 死別および悲嘆:臨床的特徴grief and bereavement in adults clinical features [show details]
…indicate that bereavement-related depression and depression related to other stressors (eg, divorce, impoverishment, or disability) are comparable . Although some studies suggest that bereavement-related major…
English Journal
- Measuring catastrophic medical expenditures: Reflections on three issues.
- , W W, A A, A A, h h, .
- Health economics. 2019 Jun;28(6)765-781.
- In the "basic" approach, medical expenses are catastrophic if they exceed a prespecified percentage of consumption or income; the approach tells us if expenses cause a large percentage reduction in living standards. The ability-to-pay (ATP) approach defines expenses as catastrophic if they exceed a
- PMID 30986890
- Catastrophic risk associated with out-of-pocket payments for long term care in Spain.
- Del Pozo-Rubio R, Jiménez-Rubio D.
- Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2019 Jun;123(6)582-589.
- This study analyses the financial burden associated with the introduction of copayment for long-term care (LTC) in Spain in 2012 for dependent individuals. We analyse and identify households for which the dependency-related out-of-pocket payment exceeds the defined catastrophic threshold (incidence)
- PMID 31000215
- Financial Toxicity After Cancer in a Setting With Universal Health Coverage: A Call for Urgent Action.
- Bhoo-Pathy N, Ng CW, Lim GC, Tamin NSI, Sullivan R, Bhoo-Pathy NT, Abdullah MM, Kimman M, Subramaniam S, Saad M, Taib NA, Chang KM, Goh PP, Yip CH.
- Journal of oncology practice. 2019 Jun;15(6)e537-e546.
- Financial toxicity negatively affects the well-being of cancer survivors. We examined the incidence, cost drivers, and factors associated with financial toxicity after cancer in an upper-middle-income country with universal health coverage. Through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Costs in
- PMID 31112479
Japanese Journal
- 北島 滋
- 旭川大学短期大学部紀要 = The journal of Junior College, Asahikawa University (49), 9-16, 2019-03-31
- … In previous journal number 48th of our junior college, my thesis dealt with the declining or impoverishment of living standard concerning elderly people, and analyzed their factors. … Firstly, it focused that impoverishment of elderly people was due to failure of the regulationin social security system according to regulation theory. …
- NAID 120006623887
- Genetic Resampling Particle Filter with Randomly Delayed Measurements and Its Application to Line-of-Sight Rate Estimation
- ZHANG Chenxin,WANG Xiaogang,QIN Wutao,WANG Yu
- … To avoid the particle degeneration and sample impoverishment that always arise in the application of a particle filter, the genetic resampling method is utilized to resample the particles. …
- NAID 130007642376
- 高齢女性の貧困化 : 第3号被保険者制度の財政影響 (特集 年金と貧困)
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- Impoverishment definition, to reduce to poverty: a country impoverished by war. See more. ... We Can Thank Alexander Hamilton For Giving Us These Words Since Lin Manuel Miranda turned Hamilton from a mysterious face on our $ ...
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