- 〈火災・事故や無思慮な行為などが〉〈生命・財産など〉‘を'あやうくする,危険にさらす
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English Journal
- Immunosuppressive effect of compound K on islet transplantation in a STZ-induced diabetic mouse model.
- Ma PF1, Jiang J2, Gao C1, Cheng PP1, Li JL1, Huang X1, Lin YY1, Li Q1, Peng YZ1, Cai MC3, Shao W4, Zhu Q5, Han S1, Qin Q6, Xia JJ7, Qi ZQ7.
- Diabetes.Diabetes.2014 May 16. pii: DB_140012. [Epub ahead of print]
- Islet transplantation is a therapeutic option for type 1 diabetes but its long-term success is limited by islet allograft survival. Many factors imperil islet survival, especially the adverse effects and toxicity due to clinical immunosuppressants. Compound K (Cpd K) is a synthesized analog of highl
- PMID 24834979
- Incarceration, Maternal Hardship, and Perinatal Health Behaviors.
- Dumont DM1, Wildeman C, Lee H, Gjelsvik A, Valera P, Clarke JG.
- Maternal and child health journal.Matern Child Health J.2014 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- Parental incarceration is associated with mental and physical health problems in children, yet little research directly tests mechanisms through which parental incarceration could imperil child health. We hypothesized that the incarceration of a woman or her romantic partner in the year before birth
- PMID 24615355
- Anthropogenic selection enhances cancer evolution in Tasmanian devil tumours.
- Ujvari B1, Pearse AM2, Swift K2, Hodson P2, Hua B2, Pyecroft S3, Taylor R2, Hamede R4, Jones M4, Belov K1, Madsen T5.
- Evolutionary applications.Evol Appl.2014 Feb;7(2):260-5. doi: 10.1111/eva.12117. Epub 2013 Nov 6.
- The Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) provides a unique opportunity to elucidate the long-term effects of natural and anthropogenic selection on cancer evolution. Since first observed in 1996, this transmissible cancer has caused local population declines by >90%. So far, four chromoso
- PMID 24567746
Japanese Journal
- マッケイブ マークJ.,梶田 英知,松浦 茂 [他訳],古賀 香織
- 情報の科学と技術 50(3), 160-165, 2000-03-01
- 大学図書館員は, 過去十数年以上にわたる間断ない雑誌価格高騰に対するかなりの動揺を抱いている。しかも, 図書館員の怒りは少数の大出版社(多数のタイトルを取り込んでいるという意味での「大」出版社)に対して向けられており, それらの大出版社が価格を左右する力が, 彼らの予算を目減りさせ, 学問を危機に晒しているというのであった。この市場でもし出版社が競争を阻害する方向で動いているのであれば, 我々は, …
- NAID 110002828131
- 佐々木 隆
- 新聞学評論 (36), 15-28,194-195, 1987-04-30
- … But most han-clique statesmen opposed to the relaxation of the restriction on the press, they thought it would imperil the future of the ahn-clique. …
- NAID 110002772710
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