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- immunocytological
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English Journal
- Is Montgomery Tracheal Safe-T-Tube Clinical Failure Induced by Biofilm?
- Fusconi M, Lo Vasco VR, Delfini A, De Virgilio A, Taddei AR, Vassalli C, Conte M, Del Sette F, Benincasa AT, de Vincentiis M.SourceDepartment of Sensory Organs, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.
- Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2013 May 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- ObjectivesMontgomery Safe-T-Tube deterioration and early biofilm colonization may explain the discomfort claimed by many patients and clinical failures. The aim of the study was to analyze the deterioration of Montgomery Safe-T-Tube morphological and mechanical properties in vivo in 16 patients by u
- PMID 23649498
- Liposomal clodronate selectively eliminates microglia from primary astrocyte cultures.
- Kumamaru H, Saiwai H, Kobayakawa K, Kubota K, van Rooijen N, Inoue K, Iwamoto Y, Okada S.SourceDepartment of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyushu University, 3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan.
- Journal of neuroinflammation.J Neuroinflammation.2012 May 31;9:116. doi: 10.1186/1742-2094-9-116.
- BACKGROUND: There is increasing interest in astrocyte biology because astrocytes have been demonstrated to play prominent roles in physiological and pathological conditions of the central nervous system, including neuroinflammation. To understand astrocyte biology, primary astrocyte cultures are mos
- PMID 22651847
- [Primary ovarian malignant mixed mesodermal tumor (MMMT) as a second primary tumor in a patient with invasive breast carcinoma--case report].
- Sentija K, Bolanca IK, Simon SK, Kukura V, Skrtić A, Gasparov S.SourceMerkur University Hospital, Department of Clinical Cytology and Cytogenetics, Division of Gynecological Cytology and Cytogenetics, Zagreb, Croatia. ksentija@yahoo.com
- Acta medica Croatica : c̆asopis Hravatske akademije medicinskih znanosti.Acta Med Croatica.2011 Sep;65 Suppl 1:229-34.
- Malignant mixed mesodermal tumor (MMMT) of the ovary is a rare aggressive tumor that consists of an epithelial (carcinoma) and a stromal (sarcoma) component. MMMT accounts for less than 2% of ovarian cancers and has a very poor prognosis. We present a case and difficulties of diagnosing an ovarian M
- PMID 23126058
Japanese Journal
- Acquired Fanconi Syndrome with Proximal Tubular Cytoplasmic Fibrillary Inclusions of λ Light Chain Restriction
- Yao Ying,Wang Su-Xia,Zhang You-Kang,Wang Yan,Liu Li,Liu Gang
- Internal Medicine 53(2), 121-124, 2014
- … This case underscores the importance of conducting careful ultrastructural investigations and immunocytologic examinations of light chains for detecting and diagnosing light chain proximal tubulopathy. …
- NAID 130003392612
- 悪性中皮腫細胞と反応性中皮細胞の鑑別 : パパニコロウ染色における細胞質の染色性とケラチン,HBME-1およびEMAの発現との関連性
- 磯崎 岳夫,北村 隆司,岸本 浩次,鮫島 千恵,根神 仁志,楯 玄秀,光谷 俊幸,太田 秀一
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 46(2), 71-76, 2007-03-22
- NAID 110006250718
- 悪性中皮腫細胞と反応性中皮細胞の鑑別―パパニコロウ染色における細胞質の染色性とケラチン,HBME‐1およびEMAの発現との関連性―:―パパニコロウ染色における細胞質の染色性とケラチン, HBME-1およびEMAの発現との関連性―
- 磯崎 岳夫,北村 隆司,岸本 浩次,鮫島 千恵,根神 仁志,楯 玄秀,光谷 俊幸,太田 秀一
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 46(2), 71-76, 2007
- 目的 : 悪性中皮腫 (malignant mesothelioma, 以下MM) と反応性中皮細胞 (reactive mesothelial cells, 以下RM) の鑑別を目的としてMMの細胞質の多彩性に着目し, パパニコロウ染色 (以下Pap.) での細胞質の染色性とケラチン, HBME-1およびEMAの発現との関連性について検討した.方法 : 対象はMM5例, RM24例である. 体腔 …
- NAID 130004512936
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- immunocytologic