- 〈U〉広大,巨大 / 《an~》無限の広がり,ばく大な量;《複数形で;単数扱い》広大(巨大)なもの
English Journal
- Molecular complementarity between simple, universal molecules and ions limited phenotype space in the precursors of cells.
- Norris V, Reusch RN, Igarashi K, Root-Bernstein R.
- Biology direct.Biol Direct.2014 Dec 4;10(1):28. [Epub ahead of print]
- BackgroundFundamental problems faced by the protocells and their modern descendants include how to go from one phenotypic state to another; escape from a basin of attraction in the space of phenotypes; reconcile conflicting growth and survival strategies (and thereby live on `the scales of equilibri
- PMID 25470982
- Prevention of childhood malnutrition: immensity of the challenge and variety of strategies.
- Duggan MB.
- Paediatrics and international child health.Paediatr Int Child Health.2014 Nov;34(4):271-8. doi: 10.1179/2046905514Y.0000000139. Epub 2014 Aug 27.
- The scope of this review is partly dictated by the global concern to improve nutrition, starting with proclamation of the Millennium Development Goals, followed by the Scaling-up Nutrition (SUN) project. The global and regional prevalence of child malnutrition is described and discussed in detail. T
- PMID 25161059
- Using metaphors to investigate cognition-behavior link in problematic Internet use among college students.
- Koc M1.
- Asia-Pacific psychiatry : official journal of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists.Asia Pac Psychiatry.2014 Sep 27. doi: 10.1111/appy.12150. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION: This study employed metaphor analysis as a novel approach to explore college students' metaphorical representations of the Internet and their associations with problematic Internet use (PIU). It aimed to find out whether normal and problematic Internet users conceive the Internet throu
- PMID 25264300
Japanese Journal
- 海洋における衛星通信利用の現状と展望 : 広帯域海洋観測ネットワークの実現にむけて(移動衛星通信,放送,誤り訂正,無線通信一般)
- 浅川 賢一,吉田 弘
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SAT, 衛星通信 112(191), 79-84, 2012-08-23
- 海洋は全地球の面積の3/4を占めており、人間が放出する二酸化炭素の約30%を吸収する。海水の熱容量は大気の数千倍であり、地球環境の安定と変動に重要な役割を果たしている。また海底には莫大な未開発の鉱物資源が眠っている。一方で海洋は時として大地震・大津波を引き起こす。このように海洋と人類は大きな係わりを持っている。人類の持続的発展を維持するためには、その実態を正確に把握し、適切に利用することが重要であ …
- NAID 110009626970
- 広大さと非主観性 (特集 日本現象学会30周年記念「日本の現象学への問いかけ」)
- A Theoretical Study on Levoglucosan Pyrolysis Reactions Yielding Aldehydes and a Ketone in Biomass
- Abella Lorene,Nanbu Shinkoh,Fukuda Kenji,南部 伸孝,福田 研二,ナンブ シンコウ,フクダ ケンジ
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University 67(2), 67-74, 2007-06
- … The immensity of these materials should be a driving force to efficiently exhaust them as energy sources and, in effect, offset environmental impact of wastes. …
- NAID 120000987073
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