- 出血,(特に)大量出血 / 多量に出血する
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English Journal
- A rare cause of back pain: warfarin induced spontaneous iliopsoas hemorrhage.
- Tutar S1, Kara K2, Sonmez G2, Mutlu H2.
- The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society.Spine J.2015 Oct 16. pii: S1529-9430(15)01523-5. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2015.10.012. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 26482987
- Metastatic cervical carcinoma masquerading as iliopsoas abscess in an HIV negative woman-diagnosed on fine-needle aspiration cytology: A case report.
- Sharma A1, Dey A2, Gupta M1.
- Journal of cytology / Indian Academy of Cytologists.J Cytol.2015 Oct-Dec;32(4):275-7. doi: 10.4103/0970-9371.171251.
- The most common pathology in iliopsoas region in the Indian subcontinent is tuberculosis. The iliopsoas compartment can also be affected by other conditions such as hemorrhage and tumors. However, isolated metastasis in the area is usually rare, especially in cases where the primary malignancy is un
- PMID 26811579
- Spontaneous iliopsoas muscle haematoma as a complication of anticoagulation in acute cerebral venous thrombosis: to stop or not to stop (the anticoagulation)?
- Fernandes C1, Pereira P1, Rodrigues M1.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2015 Mar 6;2015. pii: bcr2014206410. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-206410.
- Spontaneous iliopsoas muscle haematoma is an infrequent complication of anticoagulation, potentially causing neurological dysfunction through compression of the femoral nerve or lumbar plexus. The authors report the case of a puerperal woman admitted for an extensive cerebral venous thrombosis. Anti
- PMID 25750219
Japanese Journal
- 多彩な血管病変をきたしたSLE(全身性エリテマトーデス)による腹膜透析の1例
- 片岡 和義,神戸 茂樹,青沼 里奈 [他],石下 晃子,棚瀬 みやび,棚瀬 健仁,岩嵜 友視,田村 博之
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 44(9), 957-962, 2011-09-28
- 症例は60歳,女性.SLEによるループス腎炎のため慢性腎不全に至り,2001年5月に腹膜透析を導入.2008年12月,急性大動脈解離を発症し上行大動脈置換術を施行.術後ワーファリンによる抗凝固療法を行っていた.2010年8月,CAPD腹膜炎にて入院した際,特に誘因はなく左腸腰筋出血を発症した.輸血,安静による保存的治療で止血し得た.また,頸部に血管雑音を聴取したため頸動脈エコー検査を施行.両側総頸 …
- NAID 10029747433
- 特発性腸腰筋, 腹直筋血腫を併発した長期血液透析中の特発性門脈圧亢進症患者の1例
- 木下 晃吉,横田 健晴,千葉 允文 [他],小林 剛,及川 恒一,佐伯 千里,益井 芳文,小林 裕彦,伏谷 直,坂部 俊一,木島 洋征,小野田 泰,国安 祐史,宮川 佳也,西野 博一,中島 尚登,田尻 久雄
- 肝臓 51(11), 645-651, 2010-11-25
- 58歳女性.特発性門脈圧亢進症にて加療中.慢性腎不全のため長期血液透析歴あり.他院での血液透析中に吐血し,当科へ搬送された.上部消化管内視鏡検査にて胃体上部小弯静脈瘤より湧出性出血を認め,O-ring結紮で止血を図った.その後,難治性の鼻出血を生じ,窒息が危惧されたため,気管内挿管,呼吸器管理とし,後日気管切開術を施行した.術後貧血の進行を認め,気管切開部からの出血を疑ったが,出血は認められなかっ …
- NAID 10027661555
- Dermatomyositis complicated with hemorrhagic shock of the iliopsoas muscle on both sides and the thigh muscle
- Modern rheumatology 20(4), 420-422, 2010-08-01
- NAID 10026691668
Related Links
- Iliopsoas muscle hemorrhage presenting at autopsy can result from a variety of underlying pathological conditions. Such conditions include primary (hemophilia) or secondary (disseminated intravascular ... Seth Landefeld C, Beyth ...
- We present the case of a 28-year-old man on chronic warfarin therapy who sustained a minor muscle tear and developed increasing pain and a flexure contracture o ... Warfarin-induced iliopsoas hemorrhage with subsequent femoral ...
- 関
- bleeding