- (botany) a usually terminal tuft of bracts (as in the pineapple) or tuft of hairs (especially on certain seeds)
- a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness; usually the result of disease or injury (同)comatoseness
- (astronomy) the luminous cloud of particles surrounding the frozen nucleus of a comet; forms as the comet approaches the sun and is warmed
- of or relating to hypoglycemia; "hypoglycemic agents" (同)hypoglycaemic
- こん睡状態
- コマ(彗星(すいせい)の核の周囲の星雲状物質) / (レンズの)非対称収差 / (種子の)種綿(たねわた)
- 『来たるべき』,『次の』 / 《話》前途有望な,今売り出し中の;新進の / (…の)『到来』,接近,致着(arrival)《+『of』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Neuronal damage and cognitive impairment associated with hypoglycemia: An integrated view.
- Languren G, Montiel T, Julio-Amilpas A, Massieu L.SourceDepartamento de Neuropatología Molecular, División de Neurociencias, Instituto de Fisiología Celular, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), CP 04510, AP 70-253, México, D.F., Mexico.
- Neurochemistry international.Neurochem Int.2013 Oct;63(4):331-43. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2013.06.018. Epub 2013 Jul 20.
- The aim of the present review is to offer a current perspective about the consequences of hypoglycemia and its impact on the diabetic disorder due to the increasing incidence of diabetes around the world. The main consequence of insulin treatment in type 1 diabetic patients is the occurrence of repe
- PMID 23876631
- Effect of sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy and automated insulin suspension vs standard insulin pump therapy on hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial.
- Ly TT, Nicholas JA, Retterath A, Lim EM, Davis EA, Jones TW.SourceDepartment of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
- JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association.JAMA.2013 Sep 25;310(12):1240-7. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.277818.
- IMPORTANCE: Hypoglycemia is a critical obstacle to the care of patients with type 1 diabetes. Sensor-augmented insulin pump with automated low-glucose insulin suspension has the potential to reduce the incidence of major hypoglycemic events.OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of severe and moderat
- PMID 24065010
- Resolution of electroconvulsive therapy refractory major depressive disorder with unintentional hypoglycemic seizure: a case report.
- Rosenblat JD, Devarajan S.SourceFrom Western University, Chatham, Ontario, Canada .
- The journal of ECT.J ECT.2013 Sep;29(3):e47-8. doi: 10.1097/YCT.0b013e318290fc20.
- We report a 74-year-old white woman with type 1 diabetes and major depressive disorder refractory to multiple medications who received 15 electroconvulsive therapy treatments with minimal improvement. After an accidental hypoglycemic seizure, the patient's symptoms completely resolved. In conclusion
- PMID 23670025
Japanese Journal
- ステロイド投与による早朝空腹時反応性低血糖と誤認したため診断が遅れたインスリノーマの1例
- 平瀬 伸尚,有田 好之,北島 慶子,西川 寛,生山 祥一郎
- 糖尿病 58(7), 465-472, 2015
- 62歳女性.49歳時に全身性エリテマトーデスにてプレドニゾロン5 mg/日投与,52歳時に自己免疫性好中球減少症を発症し40 mg/日に増量.このとき早朝空腹時血糖値が低かったが,ステロイド投与による反応性低血糖と判断.その後,プレドニゾロンは漸減され5 mg/日で維持されていた62歳時,夕食前に低血糖昏睡を起こした.血糖値40 mg/dlにもかかわらずIRI 4.47 μIU/mlと分泌抑制を認 …
- NAID 130005090952
- 維持透析患者に合併した後期ダンピング症候群に対しボグリボースの治療効果を持続血糖モニターで確認しえた1例
- 山本 直,橋本 修
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 48(7), 455-459, 2015
- 症例は52歳女性. 10年前に胃癌に対し胃全摘術を施行後より食後に気分不良を伴うことがあったが放置. 2012年9月に末期腎不全 (原疾患不明, 糖尿病なし) のため血液透析導入となり, 当院で外来維持透析を継続していた. 2013年5月, 朝食後に低血糖昏睡をきたしブドウ糖静注により改善した. 入院精査を希望されず外来で持続血糖モニター (continuous glucose monitorin …
- NAID 130005090712
- 食思不振後の低血糖性昏睡を契機にたこつぼ型心筋障害を発症した1例
- 上山 薫,細見 早苗,神崎 万智子,坂田 泰史,小倉 裕司,小室 一成,嶋津 岳士
- 日本救急医学会雑誌 25(4), 159-164, 2014
- 症例は61歳の女性。糖尿病に対して経口血糖降下薬で治療中であった。食思不振が3週間続いた後に昏睡状態で発見され,当救命救急センターに救急搬送された。来院時,血糖値24mg/dLであった。50%ブドウ糖液40mLの投与により意識レベルは速やかに改善したが,心電図にてII,III,aVF誘導にST上昇を認め,心エコー検査で心尖部の広範囲な壁運動低下がみられた。また血液検査上,クレアチンキナーゼMBと心 …
- NAID 130004841011
Related Links
- Hypoglycemic Coma is a medical term that denotes low sugar in the blood. It leads to unconsciousness since the brain lacks the supply of glucose. It is mostly ... Answer Hypoglycemic Coma is a medical term that denotes low ...
- hypoglycemic coma Etymology: Gk, hypo, under, glykys, sweet, koma, deep sleep a loss of consciousness that results from abnormally low blood glucose levels. hy·po·gly·ce·mic co·ma a metabolic encephalopathy caused by ...
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- antidiabetic agent、antidiabetic drug、antidiabetics、glucose-lowering agent、hypoglycemic、hypoglycemic agent、hypoglycemic drug