- 関
- hypocellular
- the state of having abnormally few cells
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English Journal
- Discovery of LY2457546: a multi-targeted anti-angiogenic kinase inhibitor with a novel spectrum of activity and exquisite potency in the acute myelogenous leukemia-Flt-3-internal tandem duplication mutant human tumor xenograft model.
- Burkholder TP, Clayton JR, Rempala ME, Henry JR, Knobeloch JM, Mendel D, McLean JA, Hao Y, Barda DA, Considine EL, Uhlik MT, Chen Y, Ma L, Bloem LJ, Akunda JK, McCann DJ, Sanchez-Felix M, Clawson DK, Lahn MM, Starling JJ.SourceDiscovery Chemistry Research and Technology, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA, tpb@lilly.com.
- Investigational new drugs.Invest New Drugs.2012 Jun;30(3):936-49. Epub 2011 Mar 1.
- LY2457546 is a potent and orally bioavailable inhibitor of multiple receptor tyrosine kinases involved in angiogenic and tumorigenic signalling. In biochemical and cellular assays, LY2457546 demonstrates potent activity against targets that include VEGFR2 (KDR), PDGFRβ, FLT-3, Tie-2 and members of
- PMID 21360050
- Diagnosis of acquired bone marrow failure syndrome during childhood using the 2008 World Health Organization classification system.
- Yang W, Zhang P, Hama A, Ito M, Kojima S, Zhu X.SourceDiagnostic and Therapeutic Center of Children's Blood Disease, Blood Disease Hospital, Institute of Hematology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 288 Nanjing Road, Tianjin, 300020, China.
- International journal of hematology.Int J Hematol.2012 May 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- Distinguishing hypoplastic myelodysplastic syndrome from aplastic anemia (AA) is challenging. In the present study, Japanese and Chinese pediatric hematologists and pathologists conducted a joint review of bone marrow (BM) smears and trephine biopsies in 100 children with acquired BM failure syndrom
- PMID 22562435
Japanese Journal
- 4年間経過を追えた達磨型のSolitary Fibrous Tumorの1例
- 土屋 恭子,森 英恵,前川 直子,里田 直樹,酒井 直樹,福瀬 達郎
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 17(5), 591-595, 2003-07-15
- 症例は45歳の男性,検診にて胸部X線写真上,左側胸部に半球状に突出する腫瘤を認め,当科入院となった.過去の検診jフィルムでは1999年頃より腫瘤を認め,年々大きくなっていた.胸部CTによる精査にて胸壁から腫瘍の発生を認め,腫瘍は不均一に造影された.悪性胸壁腫瘍,胸膜中皮腫を疑い,胸腔鏡下に手術を行った.第6肋間前腑窩線よりポートを挿入し,腫瘍を観察したところ,腫瘍は壁側胸膜に覆われており,胸壁から …
- NAID 110001270071
- ガドベン酸ジメグルミン製剤(E7155)の一般毒性試験 (第4報) : イヌにおける静脈内投与による4週間反復投与毒性試験および4週間回復性試験
- 勝谷 成男,佐神 文郎,TIRONE Piero,MORISETTI Alberto,BUSSI Simona,MANDELLA Rosemary C.
- Journal of toxicological sciences 24(SupplementI), 41-60, 1999-11-15
- ガドベン酸ジメグルミン製剤(E7155)を0.25,0.5,1および2mmol/kg/日の用量でイヌに1日1回,4週間静脈内投与した。また,1および2mmol/kg/日については投与終了後4週間休薬し,回復性も検討した。 その結果,0.25および0.5mmol/kg/日では,毒性学的に意義のある変化は認められなかった。 1または2mmol/kg/日では,顔面ないし眼周囲に一過性の腫脹/発赤,嗜眠/ …
- NAID 110001806591
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- dictionary. Acronyms. Idioms. Encyclopedia. Wikipedia encyclopedia ? hypocellularity. Also found in: Medical, 0.01 sec. ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Noun, 1. hypocellularity - the state of having abnormally few cells ...
- Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus, 0.01 sec. hypocellularity [hi″po-sel″u-lar´ĭ- te]. abnormal decrease in the number of cells present, as in bone marrow. hypocellularity. abnormal decrease in the number of cells present, as in bone marrow.
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- 関
- hypocellularity
- 英
- hypocellularity、hypocellular