English Journal
- Santos-Silva AP, de Oliveira E, Pinheiro CR, Santana AC, Nascimento-Saba CC, Abreu-Villaça Y, Moura EG, Lisboa PC.SourceA Santos-Silva, Department of Physiological Sciences, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- The Journal of endocrinology.J Endocrinol.2013 Apr 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Children from pregnant smokers show more susceptibility to develop obesity in adult life. Previously, we failed to demonstrate in rats offspring a programming for obesity when only the mothers were tobacco smoke-exposed during lactation. Here, we studied the short- and long-term effects of smoke exp
- PMID 23606750
- Chlorpyrifos acute exposure induces hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in rats.
- Acker CI, Nogueira CW.SourceDepartamento de Química, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, CEP 97105-900, RS, Brazil.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2012 Oct;89(5):602-8. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.05.059. Epub 2012 Jul 23.
- In this study we evaluated the hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic effects of chlorpyrifos (CPF) after an acute exposure in rats. The mechanisms involved in hyperglycemia induced by CPF were studied. A single dose of CPF (50 mg kg(-1), subcutaneous, s.c.) was administered to overnight-fasted rats. Gluc
- PMID 22832337
- Effects of experimentally induced hyperthyroidism on central hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in rats: in vitro and in situ studies.
- Johnson EO, Calogero AE, Konstandi M, Kamilaris TC, Vignera SL, Chrousos GP.SourceDepartment of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Athens, 75 Mikras Asias Str., 11527, Goudi, Athens, Greece, elizabethojohnson@gmail.com.
- Pituitary.Pituitary.2012 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hyperthyroidism is associated with hypercorticosteronemia, although the locus that is principally responsible for the hypercorticosteronism remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of hyperthyroidism on the functional integrity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
- PMID 22975847
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- hypercorticosteronemia