- large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives (同)humpback_whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
- a person whose back is hunched because of abnormal curvature of the upper spine (同)hunchback, crookback
- ねこ背の,せむしの
- ねこ背 / ねこ背の人,せむし
English Journal
- Repeated burning of eastern tallgrass prairie increases richness and diversity, stabilizing late successional vegetation.
- Bowles ML, Jones MD.SourceThe Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois 60532, USA. mbowles@mortonarb.org
- Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.Ecol Appl.2013 Mar;23(2):464-78.
- Understanding temporal effects of fire frequency on plant species diversity and vegetation structure is critical for managing tallgrass prairie (TGP), which occupies a mid-continental longitudinal precipitation and productivity gradient. Eastern TGP has contributed little information toward understa
- PMID 23634595
- [Spectroscopic study on CdS nanoparticles prepared by microwave irradiation].
- Cheng WQ, Liu D, Yan ZY.SourceDepartment of Analytical Chemistry, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China. cwqdog@126.com
- Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu.Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi.2008 Jun;28(6):1348-52.
- CdS nanoparticles capped by mercaptoacetic acid have been successfully synthesized by microwave method employing thioacetamide as sulfur source, which was proved to be a simple, rapid and specific mothod compared with traditional synthetical methods, such as precipitation, sol-gel, solvo-thermal met
- PMID 18800720
- Accumulation of organotin compounds in tissues and organs of dolphins from the coasts of Thailand.
- Harino H, Ohji M, Wattayakorn G, Adulyanukosol K, Arai T, Miyazaki N.SourceOsaka City Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences, Tohjo-cho, 8-34, Tennoji-ku, Osaka 543-0026, Japan. j-harino@kawachi.zaq.ne.jp
- Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology.Arch Environ Contam Toxicol.2008 Jan;54(1):145-53.
- The concentration of organotin (OT) in seven species of dolphin (bottlenose dolphin, finless porpoise, Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin, long-beaked common dolphin, Pantropical spotted dolphin, spinner dolphin, and striped dolphin), which were stranded on the coasts of Thailand, were measured. Butylt
- PMID 17687583
Japanese Journal
- 食品工場におけるライトトラップを用いた飛翔性昆虫のモニタリング手法に関する研究
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- Definition of humpbacked in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of humpbacked. Pronunciation of humpbacked. Translations of humpbacked. humpbacked synonyms, humpbacked antonyms. Information about humpbacked in the free online ...
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