- a woman host
- a woman innkeeper
- (客を接待する)『女主人』,主人役の女性 / (レストラン・ナイトクラブなどの)『ホステス』 / (列車・船などの)女性サービス係,(航空機の)スチュワーデス / (旅館などの)女主人,おかみ
- スチュワーデス
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/15 23:32:43」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Hospitality trades
- 2 Product brands
- 3 Literary works
- 4 See also
The term hostess is most often used to describe a female (host in masculine form) presenter for an event.
Hostess may refer to:
Hospitality trades
- Air hostess, a flight attendant
- A female maître d' at a restaurant
- An employee at a hostess club
- Bargirl, a paid, female companion offering conversation and in some cases sex
- Taxi dancer, a paid, female dancing partner
Product brands
- Hostess Brands, a bakery company
- Hostess Potato Chips
Literary works
- "Hostess" (short story), by Isaac Asimov
See also
English Journal
- Flower drinking and masculinity in Taiwan.
- Bedford O, Hwang SL.SourceDivision of Psychology, Nanyang Technological University. olwen.bedford@gmail.com
- Journal of sex research.J Sex Res.2011 Jan;48(1):82-92. doi: 10.1080/00224490903230046.
- This study explores the role of the hostess club culture in the creation and maintenance of masculinity in Taiwan. The article focuses on flower drinking (the consumption of alcohol in bars, often integrated with prostitution), which is a common practice in Taiwan. Data were obtained from 58 in-dept
- PMID 19763998
- The first Stella van Praagh memorial lecture: the history and anatomy of tetralogy of Fallot.
- Van Praagh R.SourceDepartments of Pathology, Cardiology, and Cardiac Surgery, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, USA. susan.boissonneault@cardio.chboston.org
- Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. Pediatric cardiac surgery annual.Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu.2009:19-38. doi: 10.1053/j.pcsu.2009.01.004.
- Stella Van Praagh, MD (1927-2006) of Children's Hospital Boston was one of the greatest pediatric cardiologists and pediatric cardiac pathologists of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Née Stella Zacharioudaki from Crete, Greece, in addition to her stellar professional attainments, she was also an
- PMID 19349011
- Operating theatre nurses: emotional labour and the hostess role.
- Timmons S, Tanner J.SourceSchool of Nursing, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. stephen.timmons@nottingham.ac.uk
- International journal of nursing practice.Int J Nurs Pract.2005 Apr;11(2):85-91.
- Emotional labour has been established as a significant factor in nursing work, although no studies have been done looking at emotional labour specifically in an operating theatre nursing context. Theatre staff (17 nurses and three Operating Department Practitioners (technicians) were observed in pra
- PMID 15752323
- Cake And Conversation: the women's jour in Parisian high society, 1880-1914.
- Macknight EC.AbstractAt the end of the nineteenth century an upper-class Parisian hostess invited guests into her home on a fixed afternoon of her choice each week. Was this tradition, known as the jour, merely an occasion to partake of refreshments and chat? Or did it serve broader purposes for the women of High Society? This article investigates the process of invitation to a jour, the subtle nuances of etiquette at these gatherings, conversation between men and women, and what was consumed in the way of food and drink. By documenting social interaction in the space of the salon, this article analyses the way in which "power" was constituted through bodily practices. It then goes on to show what the exercise of this power reveals about gender roles, and the structure of social relationships among the Parisian upper class, in the decades before the First World War.
- French history.Fr Hist.2005;19(3):342-63.
- At the end of the nineteenth century an upper-class Parisian hostess invited guests into her home on a fixed afternoon of her choice each week. Was this tradition, known as the jour, merely an occasion to partake of refreshments and chat Or did it serve broader purposes for the women of High Societ
- PMID 20737725
Japanese Journal
- タニヤのカラオケクラブにおけるホステスの感情労働と職業的アイデンティティーに関する一考察
- 日本人専用歓楽街「タニヤ」の変容--ホステスたちの労働経験に着目して
- 三輪 亮寿
- 臨床薬理 = Japanese journal of clinical pharmacology 40(6), 311-314, 2009-11-30
- NAID 10026442725
- What are the dynamics of work, play and gender in the mizu shobai?
- Naito Greg
- 徳島文理大学研究紀要 75, 13-20, 2008-03-00
- … Japanese companies encourage their male employees to enjoy evenings out at drinking establishments such as hostess clubs. … Going out to a hostess club is not just a perk offered to employees but also an evening out where the company has specific objectives in mind. …
- NAID 110007147061
Related Links
- Hostess Club Weekender :: DINOSAUR JR / THURSTON MOORE / LOCAL NATIVES / THE WAR ON DRUGS / CLOCK OPERA / DEAP VALLY and more TBA.. 2012/11/3(土) & 4(日) 会場:Zepp DiverCity Tokyo.
- Hostess Entertainment Unlimited ホステス・エンタテインメント.
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