- an official who remains in office after his term (同)hangover
- 残留する人;残り物,持ち越し品
English Journal
- Obesogen Holdover: Prenatal Exposure Predicts Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Childhood.
- Konkel L.
- Environmental health perspectives.Environ Health Perspect.2015 Oct;123(10):A265. doi: 10.1289/ehp.123-A265.
- PMID 26421652
- Imperceptible signs: remnants of magnétisme in scientific discourses on hypnotism in late nineteenth-century France.
- Hajek KM.
- Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences.J Hist Behav Sci.2015 Fall;51(4):366-86. doi: 10.1002/jhbs.21743. Epub 2015 Sep 12.
- In 1880s France, hypnotism enjoyed unique medico-scientific legitimacy. This was in striking contrast to preceding decades when its precursor, magnétisme animal, was rejected by the medical/academic establishment as a disreputable, supernaturally tinged practice. Did the legitimation of hypnotism r
- PMID 26362719
- The effect of resident duty-hours restrictions on internal medicine clerkship experiences: surveys of medical students and clerkship directors.
- Kogan JR1, Lapin J, Aagaard E, Boscardin C, Aiyer MK, Cayea D, Cifu A, Diemer G, Durning S, Elnicki M, Fazio SB, Khan AR, Lang VJ, Mintz M, Nixon LJ, Paauw D, Torre DM, Hauer KE.
- Teaching and learning in medicine.Teach Learn Med.2015;27(1):37-50. doi: 10.1080/10401334.2014.979187.
- PHENOMENON: Medical students receive much of their inpatient teaching from residents who now experience restructured teaching services to accommodate the 2011 duty-hour regulations (DHR). The effect of DHR on medical student educational experiences is unknown. We examined medical students' and clerk
- PMID 25584470
Japanese Journal
- 本道における地域小規模精神保健福祉資源の機能実態 : 資源の基本条件・目標設定と利用実態・有用感
- 加藤 春樹,田中 耕一郎
- 北方圏生活福祉研究所年報 8, 11-38, 2002-10-01
- 本道の小規模精神保健福祉資源の機能実態把握を目的に郵送アンケート調査を行った。41件の資源データと,216件の個人データが得られ,その解析により以下の所見が得られた。資源の一般状況は先行の全国調査と共通する点が多かったが,本道の資源の特徴として以下が抽出された。1.自治体助成金の額が少なく経済基盤が弱いため,その解決策の求めがより切実である。2.リハビリテーションの古いモデルである「医学モデル」と …
- NAID 110000032271
- ウェーブレットによるCDMA基地局用GPS時間/周波数基準器の自走安定度向上
- 氏家 仁,丸尾 和幸,志村 隆史
- 電気学会論文誌. C, 電子・情報・システム部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C, A publication of Electronics, Information and System Society 119(7), 802-809, 1999-07-01
- NAID 10004438287
- B-5-127 GPSを利用した時間・周波数基準器の自走安定度向上
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