- in a disordered manner; "they were piled up higgledy-piggledy" (同)topsy-turvy
- めちゃめちゃの,ひどく乱雑な / ひどく乱雑に,めちゃめちゃに
English Journal
- Integrating all medical records to an enterprise viewer.
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- Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference.Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc.2005;1:550-3.
- The idea behind hospital information systems is to make all of a patient's medical reports, lab results, and images electronically available to clinicians, instantaneously, wherever they are. But the higgledy-piggledy evolution of most hospital computer systems makes it hard to integrate all these c
- PMID 17282239
- Resistance reshufflings (or refining the law of higgledy-piggledy). XIII International HIV drug resistance workshop, June 8-12, 2004, Tenerife, Canary Islands.
- Mascolini M.
- IAPAC monthly.IAPAC Mon.2004 Aug;10(8):276-82, 286-98.
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- 'Isolated' pulmonary valve stenosis as part of more widespread cardiovascular disease.
- Beçu L, Somerville J, Gallo A.
- British heart journal.Br Heart J.1976 May;38(5):472-82.
- In 25 patients aged 6 days to 9 years presenting as 'isolated' pulmonary valve stenosis, histology of the myocardium of right and left ventricles, coronary arteries, and ascending aorta has shown abnormality in one or all these areas. Myocardial necrosis, old and recent, unrelated to coronary occlus
- PMID 944584
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- higgledy-piggledyとは。意味や和訳。[副詞] 雑然と,乱雑に,めちゃくちゃに. [形容詞] 雑然とした,乱雑な,めちゃくちゃなour higgledy-piggledy world雑然とした世の中. [名詞] 乱雑[めちゃくちゃ]な状態. - 80万項目以上収録、例文 ...
- hig·gle·dy-pig·gle·dy (hĭg′əl-dē-pĭg′əl-dē) adv. In utter disorder or confusion. adj. Topsy-turvy; jumbled. [Origin unknown.] higgledy-piggledy (ˈhɪɡəldɪˈpɪɡəldɪ) adj, adv in a jumble n a muddle hig•gle•dy-pig•gle•dy (ˈhɪg əl diˈpɪg əl di) adv.
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