



  1. a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the opposite sex (同)heterosexualism, straightness
  2. sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
  3. a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex (同)heterosexual person, straight person, straight


  1. 異性愛
  2. 異性愛の / 異性愛の人

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English Journal

  • Community-based program to prevent HIV/STD infection among heterosexual black women.
  • Painter TM, Herbst JH, Diallo DD, White LD; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries (Washington, D.C. : 2002).MMWR Surveill Summ.2014 Apr 18;63 Suppl 1:15-20.
  • Heterosexual non-Hispanic black women in the United States are far more affected than women of other races or ethnicities by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). SisterLove, Inc., a community-based organization in Atlanta, Georgia, responded to this disparity early in the epidemic by creating the Hea
  • PMID 24743662
  • The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Eating Habits Among Costa Rican Adolescents.
  • Monge-Rojas R, Fuster-Baraona T, Garita C, Sánchez M, Smith-Castro V, Valverde-Cerros O, Colon-Ramos U.
  • American journal of health promotion : AJHP.Am J Health Promot.2014 Apr 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Abstract Purpose . To identify the influence of gender stereotypes on eating habits among Costa Rican adolescents. Design : Qualitative, descriptive research was used in this study. Setting . Adolescents and parents were recruited from socioeconomically diverse populations in rural and urban areas o
  • PMID 24720390
  • Identifying risk: a comparison of risk between heterosexual-identifying bisexual men and other bisexual men in Vientiane, Laos.
  • Bowring A, van Gemert C, Vongsaiya K, Hughes C, Sihavong A, Phimphachanh C, Chanlivong N, Toole M, Hellard M.
  • AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education.AIDS Educ Prev.2014 Apr;26(2):109-21. doi: 10.1521/aeap.2014.26.2.109.
  • Men who have sex with men are a priority population for HIV control in Laos, but encompass men diverse in sexual orientation, gender identification, and behavior. Behaviorally bisexual men and their sexual partners were recruited in Vientiane, Laos, in 2010 using modified snowball sampling. Heterose
  • PMID 24694325

Japanese Journal

  • 戦後日本の『少女の友』『女学生の友』における異性愛文化の導入とその論理--小説と読者通信欄の分析
  • 最後の形代を取り巻く言説--症候としての〈浮舟〉あるいは関係の此岸 (特集 古代文学研究の〈方法〉)
  • ジェンダー・フェミニストはリバータリアンでなければならない(岡田章子教授退任記念号)
  • 藤森 かよこ
  • 英米評論 (24), 115-136, 2010-03-19
  • … Some warn that gender feminists attack manhood, womanhood, masculinity, femininity, fatherhood, motherhood, heterosexuality, marriages and family values. …
  • NAID 110007557038

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  • adj.
  • 異性愛の。性の異なる、異性の
  • n.
  • 異性愛者
(adv.)heterosexuality, isomerism



