- ひょうそ(指の先端などの化膿性炎症)
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Herpetic whitlow |
Herpetic whitlow in a young child who earlier had developed herpes gingivostomatitis.
Classification and external resources |
ICD-10 |
B00.8 |
ICD-9-CM |
054.6 |
A herpetic whitlow is a lesion (whitlow) on a finger or thumb caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is a painful infection that typically affects the fingers or thumbs. Occasionally infection occurs on the toes or on the nail cuticle. Herpes whitlow can be caused by infection by HSV-1 or HSV-2.[1] HSV-1 whitlow is often contracted by health care workers that come in contact with the virus; it is most commonly contracted by dental workers and medical workers exposed to oral secretions.[2][3] It is also often observed in thumb-sucking children with primary HSV-1 oral infection (autoinoculation) prior to seroconversion,[1] and in adults aged 20 to 30 following contact with HSV-2-infected genitals.[4] Symptoms of herpetic whitlow include swelling, reddening and tenderness of the skin of infected finger. This may be accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes. Small, clear vesicles initially form individually, then merge and become cloudy. Associated pain often seems large relative to the physical symptoms. The herpes whitlow lesion usually heals in two to three weeks.[5]
- 1 Causes
- 2 Treatment
- 3 See also
- 4 References
- 5 External links
In children the primary source of infection is the orofacial area, and it is commonly inferred that the virus (in this case commonly HSV-1) is transferred by the chewing or sucking of fingers or thumbs.
In adults it is more common for the primary source to be the genital region, with a corresponding preponderance of HSV-2. It is also seen in adult health care workers such as dentists because of increased exposure to the herpes virus.
Contact sports are also a common source of infection with herpetic whitlows.[6]
Although it is a self-limited illness, oral or intravenous antiviral treatments, particularly acyclovir, have been used in the management of immunocompromised or severely infected patients. Topical acyclovir has not been shown to be effective in management of herpetic whitlow. Lancing or surgically debriding the lesion may make it worse by causing a superinfection or encephalitis.[7]
See also
- Herpes simplex
- List of cutaneous conditions
- ^ a b Clark DC (2003). "Common acute hand infections". Am Fam Physician 68 (11): 2167–76. PMID 14677662.
- ^ Lewis MA (2004). "Herpes simplex virus: an occupational hazard in dentistry". Int Dent J 54 (2): 103–11. doi:10.2956/indj.2004.54.2.103. PMID 15119801.
- ^ Avitzur Y, Amir J (2002). "Herpetic whitlow infection in a general pediatrician--an occupational hazard". Infection 30 (4): 234–6. doi:10.1007/s15010-002-2155-5. PMID 12236568.
- ^ Wu IB, Schwartz RA (2007). "Herpetic whitlow". Cutis 79 (3): 193–6. PMID 17674583.
- ^ Anonymous (1971). "Herpetic whitlow: a medical risk". Br Med J 4 (5785): 444. doi:10.1136/bmj.4.5785.444. PMC 1799611. PMID 5125276.
- ^ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3503926/#b2-184e924
- ^ http://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-hand-infections?source=preview&anchor=H27991206&selectedTitle=2~12#H27991206
External links
- Herpetic Whitlow Medscape
- Herpetic whitlow an occupational hazard, AANA J. 1990 Feb;58(1):8–13. Klotz R.W. PMID 2316323
Infectious skin disease: Viral cutaneous conditions, including viral exanthema (B00–B09, 050–059)
DNA virus |
Herpesviridae |
Alpha |
- Herpes simplex
- Herpetic whitlow
- Herpes gladiatorum
- Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis
- Herpetic sycosis
- Neonatal herpes simplex
- Herpes genitalis
- Herpes labialis
- Eczema herpeticum
- Herpetiform esophagitis
Herpes B virus |
- Chickenpox
- Herpes zoster
- Herpes zoster oticus
- Ophthalmic zoster
- Disseminated herpes zoster
- Zoster-associated pain
- Modified varicella-like syndrome
Beta |
- Human herpesvirus 6/Roseolovirus
- Exanthema subitum
- Roseola vaccinia
- Cytomegalic inclusion disease
Gamma |
Poxviridae |
Ortho |
- Variola
- MoxV
- VV
- Vaccinia
- Generalized vaccinia
- Eczema vaccinatum
- Progressive vaccinia
- Buffalopox
Para |
- Farmyard pox: Milker's nodule
- Bovine papular stomatitis
- Pseudocowpox
- Orf
- Sealpox
Other |
- Yatapoxvirus: Tanapox
- Yaba monkey tumor virus
Papillomaviridae |
- Wart/plantar wart
- Heck's disease
- Genital wart
- Laryngeal papillomatosis
- Butcher's wart
- Bowenoid papulosis
- Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
- Verruca plana
- Pigmented wart
- Verrucae palmares et plantares
Parvoviridae |
- Parvovirus B19
- Erythema infectiosum
- Reticulocytopenia
- Papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome
Polyomaviridae |
RNA virus |
Paramyxoviridae |
Togaviridae |
- Rubella virus
- Rubella
- Congenital rubella syndrome
- Alphavirus infection
- Chikungunya fever
Picornaviridae |
- Hand, foot and mouth disease
- Herpangina
- Boston exanthem disease
Ungrouped |
- Asymmetric periflexural exanthem of childhood
- Post-vaccination follicular eruption
- Lipschütz ulcer
- Eruptive pseudoangiomatosis
- Viral-associated trichodysplasia
- Gianotti–Crosti syndrome
Index of viral disease
Description |
Disease |
- Systemic
- Cutaneous
- Zoster
- Human papillomavirus
- Zoonotic
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Index of skin
Description |
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Infections
- Vesiculobullous
- Dermatitis and eczema
- Papulosquamous
- Urticaria and erythema
- Radiation-related
- Pigmentation
- Mucinoses
- Keratosis, ulcer, atrophy, and necrobiosis
- Vasculitis
- Fat
- Neutrophilic and eosinophilic
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- nevi and melanomas
- epidermis
- dermis
- Symptoms and signs
- Terminology
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- antibiotics
- disinfectants
- emollients and protectives
- itch
- psoriasis
- other
- Wound and ulcer
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Self-inflicted herpetic whitlow.
- Arora R1, Chattopadhyay S, Agrawal S, Chatterjee S.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2014 Apr 12;2014. pii: bcr2013201817. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-201817.
- A 25-year-old dental radiographer reported to the outpatient department with lesions at the lower and upper lips which had later spread to his finger. On the basis of the given history and clinical features, a diagnosis of primary herpetic infection on the mouth followed by secondary infection on th
- PMID 24729108
- Pediatric herpes simplex virus infections: an evidence-based approach to treatment.
- Sanders JE, Garcia SE.
- Pediatric emergency medicine practice.Pediatr Emerg Med Pract.2014 Jan;11(1):1-19; quiz 19.
- Herpes simplex virus is a common virus that causes a variety of clinical presentations ranging from mild to life-threatening. Orolabial and genital herpes are common disorders that can often be managed in an outpatient setting; however, some patients do present to the emergency department with those
- PMID 24649621
- Recurrent infection in the left thumb.
- Pintor E1, Montilla P, Catalán P, Burillo A, Gargantilla P, Herreros B.
- Infection.Infection.2013 Dec;41(6):1203-4. doi: 10.1007/s15010-013-0474-3. Epub 2013 May 7.
- INTRODUCTION: Infections of the hand may be associated with lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. In most cases, bacterial infections are responsible but these may be also due to viral infections.MATERIAL AND METHODS: We describe a clinical case of a recurrent infection in the left thumb of a health male.
- PMID 23649866
Japanese Journal
- 伊豆 邦夫,山元 修,末永 義則
- 産業医科大学雑誌 23(2), 161-167, 2001-06-01
- ヘルペス性〓疽は単純ヘルペスウイルス感染症の一つであるが,職業性疾患としても知られている.本邦では本疾患の症例報告は少ない.我々は最近,医療従事者に生じたヘルペス性〓疽を3症例経験した.それぞれ右4指,左母指と左示指に疼痛を伴う小水庖を生じていた.いずれも患者の口腔内ケアを行った際に感染したと思われた.我々は3症例を通して産業医学的観点から,医療従事者における院内感染防止のために以下3つの改善点を …
- NAID 110001260135
- Severe, progressive herpetic whitlow caused by an acyclovir-resistant virus in a patient with AIDS
- Herpetic whitlow : Report of a case with multiple recurrences
Related Links
- Herpetic Whitlow: Condition information and pictures for adults - Overview. Herpetic whitlow—also called digital herpes simplex, finger herpes, or hand herpes—is a painful viral… ... The most common locations for herpetic whitlow ...
- Herpetic whitlow simple guide to show you informations about herpetic whitlow pictures, herpetic whitlow symptoms, herpetic whitlow causes, herpetic whitlow photos and herpetic whitlow treatment The information provided at herpetic ...
- whitlow /whit·low/ (hwit´lo) felon. herpetic whitlow primary herpes simplex infection of the terminal segment of a finger, with extensive tissue destruction, sometimes accompanied by systemic symptoms. melanotic whitlow subungual ...
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- 英
- herpetic whitlow
- 関
- 単純疱疹、単純性疱疹
- 英
- herpetic whitlow、瘭疽