- 関
- HHV-3、human herpesvirus 3、varicella-zoster virus
- 同
- 関
- Varicella- zoster virus (VZV)
- a harmful or corrupting agency; "bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread"; "the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone"
- (virology) ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic; a piece of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein
- a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer; "a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance" (同)computer virus
- viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane
- any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin (同)herpes_virus
- ビールス,ろ過性病原体
- 疱疹(ほうしん)
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English Journal
- Herpes zoster-associated acute urinary retention in immunocompetent patient.
- Marques SA1, Hortense J2.
- Anais brasileiros de dermatologia.An Bras Dermatol.2014 Dec;89(6):985-7.
- Herpes zoster-associated urinary retention is an uncommon event related to virus infection of the S2-S4 dermatome. The possible major reasons are ipsilateral hemicystitis, neuritis-induced or myelitis-associated virus infection. We report a case of a 65-year-old immunocompetent female patient who pr
- PMID 25387508
- Viral aetiology and clinico-epidemiological features of acute encephalitis syndrome in eastern India.
- Rathore SK, Dwibedi B, Kar SK, Dixit S, Sabat J, Panda M.
- Epidemiology and infection.Epidemiol Infect.2014 Dec;142(12):2514-21. doi: 10.1017/S0950268813003397. Epub 2014 Jan 24.
- SUMMARY This study reports clinico-epidemiological features and viral agents causing acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in the eastern Indian region through hospital-based case enrolment during April 2011 to July 2012. Blood and CSF samples of 526 AES cases were investigated by serology and/or PCR. V
- PMID 24476571
- Development and Optimization of a Real-Time PCR Assay for Detection of Herpes Simplex and Varicella-Zoster Viruses in Skin and Mucosal Lesions by Use of the BD Max Open System.
- Cárdenas AM1, Edelstein PH2, Alby K2.
- Journal of clinical microbiology.J Clin Microbiol.2014 Dec;52(12):4375-6. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02237-14. Epub 2014 Oct 1.
- We transitioned laboratory-developed PCR assays for herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), HSV-2, and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) to the BD Max system by using BD Max open system reagents. After optimization, the agreement with the reference PCR assay was 100% (123/123) for HSV-1, 96.7% (119/123) for HSV-
- PMID 25275002
Japanese Journal
- 吉田 正己
- 東邦医学会雑誌 60(3), 154-158, 2013-03
- … We utilized a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method to classify the genotype of the herpes simplex virus and found the predominant genotype in Kaposi's varicelliform eruption. … RFLP-PCR was used to differentiate the wild strain from the vaccine strain of varicella-zoster virus. … Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) is a receptor of the wild measles virus strain. …
- NAID 120005306331
- 帯状疱疹が原因と考えられた高齢者の麻痺性イレウスの1例
- 平松 慎介,根引 浩子,上野 綾子,若原 佑平,丸山 紘嗣,末包 剛久,山崎 智朗,佐々木 英二,佐野 弘治,佐藤 博之,中井 隆志,川崎 靖子,木岡 清英
- Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 110(6), 1007-1013, 2013
- 79歳女性.腹部膨満感を主訴に来院し,腹部X線でイレウスと診断した.左Th8-10領域に小水疱をともなう皮疹がみられ,血液検査で水痘・帯状疱疹ウイルス(VZV)抗体価上昇を認め,VZVによる麻痺性イレウスと診断した.保存的加療を行いイレウスは改善した.帯状疱疹は日常よく遭遇する疾患であるが,まれながらイレウスの原因となりうることを今後念頭に置くべきと考え報告する.
- NAID 130003364380
- PCR法による単純および帯状疱疹ウイルス感染症の迅速診断 : 成人および小児例
- 坂部 純一,秦 まき,平川 聡史,戸倉 新樹
- 日本小児皮膚科学会雑誌 = Journal of pediatric dermatology 31(3), 207-210, 2012-10-31
- NAID 10031130309
Related Links
- Varicella-zoster virus infection causes two clinically distinct forms of disease.Primary infection with varicella-zoster virus results in varicella, known as chickenpox, characterized by vesicular lesions in different stages of development ...
- Shingles, also known as zoster or herpes zoster, is a painful skin rash. It is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. Nearly 1 out of every 3 people in the United States will develop shingles in ...
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- 関
- herpes zoster virus、HHV-3、varicella-zoster virus
- 関
- herpes zoster virus、human herpesvirus 3、varicella-zoster virus
- 英
- herpes zoster virus
- 関
- 水痘帯状疱疹ウイルス、ヒトヘルペスウイルス3型