- under the terms of this agreement
- under that; "the headings and the items listed thereunder" (同)under that, under it
- 以下に,下記に
- その下に,それ以下に
English Journal
- Identifying anti-growth factors for human cancer cell lines through genome-scale metabolic modeling.
- Ghaffari P1, Mardinoglu A1, Asplund A2, Shoaie S1, Kampf C2, Uhlen M3, Nielsen J4.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2015 Feb 2;5:8183. doi: 10.1038/srep08183.
- Human cancer cell lines are used as important model systems to study molecular mechanisms associated with tumor growth, hereunder how genomic and biological heterogeneity found in primary tumors affect cellular phenotypes. We reconstructed Genome scale metabolic models (GEMs) for eleven cell lines b
- PMID 25640694
- [Who observes out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Germany?].
- Christ M1, von Auenmüller KI1, Grett M1, Dierschke W1, Trappe HJ1.
- Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (1946).Dtsch Med Wochenschr.2014 Oct;139(44):2225-30. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1387296. Epub 2014 Oct 21.
- INTRODUCTION: It still remains unknown why there are so poor rates of lay-resuscitation in Germany. We wanted to find out who observes the out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) in Germany.PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients who were admitted in our hospital between January, 1st 2008 and December, 31
- PMID 25334073
- Mirror for the other: problem of the self in continental philosophy (from Hegel to Lacan).
- Gasparyan D1.
- Integrative psychological & behavioral science.Integr Psychol Behav Sci.2014 Mar;48(1):1-17. doi: 10.1007/s12124-013-9247-x.
- This essay intends to explore the genesis of one of the key concepts in continental philosophy of personalism-the concept of the 'Other. It attempts to use most influential philosophical and psychological contexts to demonstrate how the Self is linked to the Other logically, notionally and conceptua
- PMID 24048918
Japanese Journal
- 武井 和人,坪子 和美
- 日本アジア研究 : 埼玉大学大学院文化科学研究科博士後期課程紀要 11, 1-24, 2014-03
- … An early Edo period manuscript (hereunder "Takei MS.") recently acquired by a co-author of this article exhibits considerable departures from the received text (rufubon); …
- NAID 120005422987
- 社会的企業とステイクホルダーによるソーシャル・イノベーションの創出 : NPO法人スペースふうのリユース食器事業を事例として(グローバリゼーションにおける社会・経済システムの構想)
- 古村 公久,大室 悦賀,大平 修司 [他],土肥 将敦,谷本 寛治
- 社会・経済システム (32), 117-132, 2011-10-25
- … The purpose of this paper is to indicate the process by which social enterprises create Social Innovation (hereunder "SI") through interactions with those that may benefit from the results. …
- NAID 110009562897
- 品質管理セミナー・ベーシックコース誕生のいきさつ((1)システム系,<特集>品質管理事始め(ルーツを探る)第2報)
- 三田 征史
- 品質 41(4), 421-425, 2011-10-15
- … The "Quality Management Basic Course" (Abbreviated as "BC") has been convened over the ages at the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers ("JUSE," hereunder) as a seminar program that forms the core element of quality management, and is also designed to train and develop people who serve as the driving force in promoting quality management activities in Japan. …
- NAID 110008762144
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