- taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention; "heedful of the warnings"; "so heedful a writer"; "heedful of what they were doing" (同)attentive, thoughtful, paying attention
- 用心深い;(…に)気を付ける《+『of』+『名』》
English Journal
- Health care huddles: Managing complexity to achieve high reliability.
- Provost SM1, Lanham HJ, Leykum LK, McDaniel RR Jr, Pugh J.
- Health care management review.Health Care Manage Rev.2015 Jan-Mar;40(1):2-12. doi: 10.1097/HMR.0000000000000009.
- BACKGROUND: Health care huddles are increasingly employed in a range of formats but theoretical mechanisms underlying huddles remain relatively uncharted.PURPOSE: A complexity science view implies that essential managerial strategies for high-performing health care organizations include meaningful c
- PMID 24589926
- From Koch's postulates to biofilm theory. The lesson of Bill Costerton.
- Ehrlich GD, Arciola CR.
- The International journal of artificial organs.Int J Artif Organs.2012 Oct;35(10):695-9. doi: 10.5301/ijao.5000169.
- The clinical diagnoses of implant infections pose insurmountable difficulties for cultural methods because of their frequent failure when bacteria are growing in biofilms. In 1978 Bill Costerton warned that chronic infections in patients with indwelling medical devices were caused by bacteria growin
- PMID 23138704
- Oral mucoceles - review of the literature.
- Khandelwal S1, Patil S.
- Minerva stomatologica.Minerva Stomatol.2012 Mar;61(3):91-9.
- Oral mucoceles are mucin filled cavities and lined by ductal epithelium or covered by granulation tissue in retention or extravasation type respectively. The extra-vasation type is very common in the minor salivary glands (particularly in the labial glands), but very infrequent in the major salivary
- PMID 22402300
- PMID 21398268
Japanese Journal
- 失語症者の心理・社会的側面の改善を目的としたグループ訓練
- 中村 やす,野副 めぐみ,中尾 貴美子
- 高次脳機能研究 : 日本高次脳機能障害学会誌 23(4), 261-271, 2003-12-31
- NAID 110007558238
- 失語症者の心理・社会的側面の改善を目的としたグループ訓練
- 中村 やす,野副 めぐみ,中尾 貴美子
- 高次脳機能研究 (旧 失語症研究) 23(4), 261-271, 2003
- 慢性期失語症者6例に心理・社会的側面の改善を目的としたグループ訓練を実施した。訓練の特徴は,(1)「失語症グループ訓練における心理・社会的側面の評価表」 (中村ら 1998) により個々人の心理・社会的な課題をとらえて行う,(2)心理・社会的側面の改善を目的とした6つの活動プログラム,「活動を楽しむ」「自己表現」「自己開示」「障害理解」「社会的役割・活動」「主体的参加」による体験を重視して行う,( …
- NAID 130004467509
- 室内気流分布の数値計算および模型実験 : 二次元層流域
- 増田 潔 [他],秋山 光庸,山崎 慎一郎,鈴木 道義
- 空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 (13), 107-115, 1980-06-25
- 二次元層流域において,出入口を一つずつ持つ単純な室内気流分布に関する数値計算を,MAC法とそれを改良した補正計算法を用いて行った.同時に,物性値の異なる2種の流体を用いて模型実験を行った.解析と実験を直接比較した結果,レイノルズ数が1から200の範囲においてはレイノルズ数による相似性が成立し,それによって流動様式が顕著な変化をすることが確認され,本計算の有効性を確かめることができた.
- NAID 110007864194
Related Links
- Paying close attention; mindful. See Synonyms at careful. heed ful·ly adv. heed ful·ness n. ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Adj. 1. heedful - taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention; "heedful of the warnings"; ...
- 10 Oct 2012 ... Definition of heedful from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
- Synonyms for heedful at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
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