- without missing a week; "she visited her aunt weekly" (同)weekly, every week, each week
- 1週間の,1週1回の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/24 04:41:25」(JST)
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The Hebdomadal Council was the chief executive body for the University of Oxford from its establishment in 1854 until its replacement, in the Michaelmas term of 2000, by the new University Council. Chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, the Hebdomadal Council held statutory responsibility for the management of the University's finances and property, University administration, and relations between the University and all outside institutions. Direct responsibility for academic administration was delegated to the General Board of the Faculties, with the Hebdomadal Council holding an oversight role.
Eighteen members of the council were elected by Congregation of the full faculty. In the 1980s, there were also two student observers, one undergraduate and one postgraduate, selected by the Oxford University Student Union and the Oxford University Graduate Union respectively. The students were permitted to speak on agenda items, but not to vote. Hebdomadal Council's agenda was typically in two parts, and the students were asked to leave before the second half of the meeting. The Council had the prerogative of initiating resolutions and statutes, which were submitted to Congregation for approval. It met once every two weeks during University terms, and twice during the Long Vacation.
- University Acts, Oxford University Gazette, 2 March 2000.
- News Pages, Oxford University Gazette, 17 June 1999.
- University Agenda, Oxford University Gazette, 23 April 1998.
- Morris, Jan (2001). Oxford. Oxford University Press (ISBN 0-19-280136-8). Pages 40–42.
English Journal
- [Estimation of the Health Status of People in the Vicinity of Pharmacies Using Pharmacy Big Data].
- Hayashi Y1, Saito M, Yajima T.
- Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.Yakugaku Zasshi.2016;136(2):265-71. doi: 10.1248/yakushi.15-00268-4.
- PMID 26831804
- [Consequences of coelioscopic sacrocolopoxy on the sexuality of the couple].
- Lam Van Ba O1, Wagner L2, Letois F3, Siegler N4, Soustelle L5, Boukaram M6, Ben Naoum K7, Droupy S8, Costa P9.
- Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie.Prog Urol.2014 Mar;24(4):247-55. doi: 10.1016/j.purol.2013.10.005. Epub 2013 Nov 7.
- PMID 24560294
- Racial and ethnic differences in perinatal mortality: the role of fetal death.
- Wingate MS1, Alexander GR.
- Annals of epidemiology.Ann Epidemiol.2006 Jun;16(6):485-91. Epub 2005 Jul 1.
- PMID 15993623
Japanese Journal
- Smoothing of Correlation Functions in the Estimation of the Order of Influenza Infection between Adults and Children
- Takahashi Mizuho,Kobari Tsuyoshi,Ijuin Kazushige [他],Iwaki Kazuo,Ishii Fumiyoshi,Matsuda Rieko,Hayashi Yuzuru,Yajima Takehiko
- Journal of health science 52(4), 436-442, 2006-08-01
- … The moving average method with a window of seven days is taken to eliminate the hebdomadal frequencies originating from the life style of people around the pharmacies, or rather, purchasers. …
- NAID 110006251400
- 辻 達彦,加瀬 芳夫,逸見 てる子,伊藤 洋子
- 北関東医学 25(1), 65-70, 1975
- … The present paper discussed the perinatal emergency care system for further improvement of child and maternal health in Gunma prefecture, Japan.<BR>The possibilities for the prevention of perinatal deaths were estimated from the data about the causes and local distribution of hebdomadal deaths which were main concern of emergency care system.<BR>The deaths from obstetrical causes, which were mostly preventable, were less than one third of the total cases. …
- NAID 130003689641
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