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English Journal
- Integrating Web 2.0 in Clinical Research Education in a Developing Country.
- Amgad M1, Alfaar AS.Author information 1Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.AbstractThe use of Web 2.0 tools in education and health care has received heavy attention over the past years. Over two consecutive years, Children's Cancer Hospital - Egypt 57357 (CCHE 57357), in collaboration with Egyptian universities, student bodies, and NGOs, conducted a summer course that supports undergraduate medical students to cross the gap between clinical practice and clinical research. This time, there was a greater emphasis on reaching out to the students using social media and other Web 2.0 tools, which were heavily used in the course, including Google Drive, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Mendeley, Google Hangout, Live Streaming, Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap), and Dropbox. We wanted to investigate the usefulness of integrating Web 2.0 technologies into formal educational courses and modules. The evaluation survey was filled in by 156 respondents, 134 of whom were course candidates (response rate = 94.4 %) and 22 of whom were course coordinators (response rate = 81.5 %). The course participants came from 14 different universities throughout Egypt. Students' feedback was positive and supported the integration of Web 2.0 tools in academic courses and modules. Google Drive, Facebook, and Dropbox were found to be most useful.
- Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education.J Cancer Educ.2014 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- The use of Web 2.0 tools in education and health care has received heavy attention over the past years. Over two consecutive years, Children's Cancer Hospital - Egypt 57357 (CCHE 57357), in collaboration with Egyptian universities, student bodies, and NGOs, conducted a summer course that supports un
- PMID 24395632
- HangOut: generating clean PSI-BLAST profiles for domains with long insertions.
- Kim BH1, Cong Q, Grishin NV.Author information 1Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390, USA. kim@chop.swmed.eduAbstractProfile-based similarity search is an essential step in structure-function studies of proteins. However, inclusion of non-homologous sequence segments into a profile causes its corruption and results in false positives. Profile corruption is common in multidomain proteins, and single domains with long insertions are a significant source of errors. We developed a procedure (HangOut) that, for a single domain with specified insertion position, cleans erroneously extended PSI-BLAST alignments to generate better profiles.
- Bioinformatics (Oxford, England).Bioinformatics.2010 Jun 15;26(12):1564-5. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq208. Epub 2010 Apr 22.
- Profile-based similarity search is an essential step in structure-function studies of proteins. However, inclusion of non-homologous sequence segments into a profile causes its corruption and results in false positives. Profile corruption is common in multidomain proteins, and single domains with lo
- PMID 20413635
- Heroin and HIV risk in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: youth hangouts, mageto and injecting practices.
- McCurdy SA1, Williams ML, Kilonzo GP, Ross MW, Leshabari MT.Author information 1University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health, Houston, TX 77030, USA. sheryl.a.mccurdy@uth.tmr.eduAbstractHIV risk through needle sharing is now an emerging phenomenon in Africa. This article describes the practices that heroin users are producing as they establish the rules and organization surrounding their drug use. Their practices and interactions reveal the ways that they become initiated into its use, how they progress to injecting, and the important role of local neighbourhood hangouts in facilitating this process. Their practices, interactions and narratives also provide insights into what may be the most appropriate HIV-prevention interventions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted during the months of February and July 2003 with 51 male and female injectors residing in 8 neighbourhoods in the Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Interviews were content coded and codes were collapsed into emergent themes around hangout places, initiation of heroin use, and progression to injecting. Interviews reveal that Dar es Salaam injectors begin smoking heroin in hangout areas with their friends, either because of peer pressure, desire, or trickery. One hangout place in particular, referred to as the 'geto' (ghetto) is the main place where the organization and rules governing heroin use are produced. Three main types of heroin 'ghettoes' are operating in Dar es Salaam. As users build a tolerance for the drug they move along a continuum of practices until they begin to inject. Injecting heroin is a comparatively recent practice in Africa and coincides with: (1) Tanzania transitioning to becoming a heroin consuming community; (2) the growing importance of youth culture; (3) the technical innovation of injecting practices and the introduction and ease of use of white heroin; and (4) heroin smokers, sniffers, and inhalers perceived need to escalate their use through a more effective and satisfying form of heroin ingestion.
- AIDS care.AIDS Care.2005 Jun;17 Suppl 1:S65-76.
- HIV risk through needle sharing is now an emerging phenomenon in Africa. This article describes the practices that heroin users are producing as they establish the rules and organization surrounding their drug use. Their practices and interactions reveal the ways that they become initiated into its
- PMID 16096119
Japanese Journal
- 学術集会における次世代のファシリテーターの役割と双方向意思伝達ツール
- 閉じこもり傾向の高齢者の社会参加促進 : 「Cafe ゆっくり生きる。」の試みから考える
- 福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society 33(4), 99-112, 2015-03
- NAID 120005695725
- 協調ソフトウェア開発におけるcoordination communication支援環境の要件の検討
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