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English Journal
- The effect of different foot and hand set-up positions on backstroke start performance.
- de Jesus K1, de Jesus K1, Abraldes JA2, Mourão L1,3, Borgonovo-Santos M1,4, Medeiros AI1,5, Gonçalves P1, Chainok P1,6, Fernandes RJ1,4, Vaz MA4,7, Vilas-Boas JP1,4.
- Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports.Sports Biomech.2016 Nov;15(4):481-96. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2016.1182580. Epub 2016 Jun 6.
- Foot and hand set-up position effects were analysed on backstroke start performance. Ten swimmers randomly completed 27 starts grouped in trials (n = 3) of each variation, changing foot (totally immersed, partially and totally emerged) and hand (lowest, highest horizontal and vertical) positioning
- PMID 27268463
- Differences in Force Gradation between Tug-of-War Athletes and Non-Athletes during Rhythmic Force Tracking at High Exertion Levels.
- Lin YT1, Kuo CH2, Chen YC3,4.
- The Chinese journal of physiology.Chin J Physiol.2016 Oct 31;59(5). pii: CJP.2016.BAE411. doi: 10.4077/CJP.2016.BAE411. [Epub ahead of print]
- There is little knowledge regarding the force production capacities of tug-of-war athletes, who undergo years of high-load strength training on handgrip muscles. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the force-grading strategies of tug-of-war athletes by examining force fluctuation prop
- PMID 27604136
- GWAS analysis of handgrip and lower body strength in older adults in the CHARGE consortium.
- Matteini AM1, Tanaka T2, Karasik D3,4, Atzmon G5,6, Chou WC3, Eicher JD7,8, Johnson AD7,8, Arnold AM9, Callisaya ML10,11, Davies G12,13, Evans DS14, Holtfreter B15, Lohman K16, Lunetta KL8,17, Mangino M18,19, Smith AV20, Smith JA21, Teumer A22, Yu L23, Arking DE24, Buchman AS23,25, Chibinik LB26,27, De Jager PL26,27, Evans DA28, Faul JD29, Garcia ME30, Gillham-Nasenya I18, Gudnason V20,31, Hofman A32, Hsu YH3,33, Ittermann T22, Lahousse L32,34, Liewald DC12, Liu Y16, Lopez L13, Rivadeneira F32,35,36, Rotter JI37, Siggeirsdottir K20, Starr JM12,38, Thomson R11, Tranah GJ14, Uitterlinden AG32,35,36, Völker U39, Völzke H22,40,41, Weir DR29, Yaffe K42, Zhao W21, Zhuang WV43, Zmuda JM44, Bennett DA23, Cummings SR14, Deary IJ12,13, Ferrucci L2, Harris TB45, Kardia SL21, Kocher T15, Kritchevsky SB46, Psaty BM47, Seshadri S8,48, Spector TD18, Srikanth VK10,11, Windham BG49, Zillikens MC35, Newman AB44, Walston JD1, Kiel DP3, Murabito JM8,50.
- Aging cell.Aging Cell.2016 Oct;15(5):792-800. doi: 10.1111/acel.12468. Epub 2016 Jun 21.
- Decline in muscle strength with aging is an important predictor of health trajectory in the elderly. Several factors, including genetics, are proposed contributors to variability in muscle strength. To identify genetic contributors to muscle strength, a meta-analysis of genomewide association studie
- PMID 27325353
Japanese Journal
- 無作為化比較試験による咀嚼力向上を目指した食育支援プログラムの握力向上への有効性
- 了徳寺大学研究紀要 = The bulletin of Ryotokuji University (10), 129-137, 2016
- NAID 40020784606
- Handgrip strength deficits best explain limitations in performing bimanual activities after stroke
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- hand·grip (hănd′grĭp′) n. 1. A grip of or by the hand. 2. Something, such as a handle, that is suited to a grip by the hand. 3. handgrips Hand-to-hand combat. handgrip (ˈhændˌɡrɪp) n 1. another word for grip 1 2, grip 1 5, grip 1 6 2. ...
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