- partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes"
- one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval
- (of siblings) related through one parent only; "a half brother"; "half sister"
- consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity; "a half chicken"; "lasted a half hour"
- partial; "gave me a half smile"; "he did only a half job"
- a light fitful sleep (同)drowse
- 半ダースの,6個の
- 〈C〉〈U〉『半分』,2分の1;約半分 / 〈U〉《時刻を表す数詞と共に用いて》『半』,30分 / 〈C〉《おもに英》(2学期制の学校での)前(後)期 / 〈C〉(競技などの)前(後)半;(野球で1イニングの)表(裏) / 〈C〉=halfback / 『半分の』 / 不十分な,中途はんぱな / 『半ば』,半分[だけ] / 半時間だけ,30分だけ / 不完全に / かなり,ほとんど
- うたた寝をする,居眠りをする《+『off』》 / 〈時〉‘を'うとうとと過ごす《+『away』+『名』》 / うたた寝,居眠り
- おや,はああ,ああ(驚き・喜び・疑い・ためらいなどを表す声)
- hectare; hectares
- 『ダース』,12個の組(《略》『doz.,dz.』)
- =half a dozen
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English Journal
- Adoption of azygos, hemiazygos, and dartos.
- Neumann PE1.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.).Clin Anat.2017 May;30(4):450-451. doi: 10.1002/ca.22856. Epub 2017 Apr 6.
- PMID 28205328
- Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa is less than 1 %: data from a US sample.
- Dunn TM1,2, Gibbs J3, Whitney N3, Starosta A4.
- Eating and weight disorders : EWD.Eat Weight Disord.2017 Mar;22(1):185-192. doi: 10.1007/s40519-016-0258-8. Epub 2016 Feb 22.
- PMID 26902744
- Selected active naturals for atopic dermatitis: Atopic Dermatitis Part 1.
- Silverberg NB1.
- Clinics in dermatology.Clin Dermatol.2017 Jul - Aug;35(4):383-386. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2017.03.011. Epub 2017 Mar 23.
- PMID 28709569
Japanese Journal
- 経済のグローバル化と地域企業の国際化(<特集>グローバル時代の地域経済)
- 竹内 規浩
- 地域経済政策研究 9, 59-75, 2008-03
- … To state the end result in a nutshell, involvement of Kagoshima-based firms in international trade is about half of total Japan's per-capita average, and foreign direct investment is still extremely limited. … However, about half dozen of them are seen as based on special or unique technologies and may be expected or have potential to grow in future. …
- NAID 110007014605
- 仲地 弘善,Nakachi Kozen
- 琉球大学語学文学論集 (37), p45-63, 1992-12
- … Benson points out in his critical essay, "written about it—two major articles, a handful of notes, and another half dozen or so chapters or parts of chapters in critical books." Thanks to this essay of Benson's, however, we are now in a good position to delve into the novel in more detail. …
- NAID 120001374643
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