- むっつりとした,気楠しい
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Grumpy means unhappy, dissatisfied or irritable.
It may refer to:
- Grumpy (1923 film), a 1923 silent film drama
- Grumpy (1930 film), a 1930 remake of the 1923 film
- Grumpy, the name of one of the Seven Dwarfs in some adaptations of the fairytale Snow White
- Grumpy, a nickname of the drag racer Bill Jenkins
- Grumpy, a character from the 1974 television series Land of the Lost
- Grumpy Bear, a character from the cartoon the Care Bears
English Journal
- Jenkins I.
- Journal of hospital medicine : an official publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine.J Hosp Med.2012 Feb;7(2):154-5. doi: 10.1002/jhm.982. Epub 2011 Nov 10.
- PMID 22076956
- An initial study to establish symptom base rates of traumatic brain injury in children.
- Couch CM1, Leathem JM.Author information 1Psychology Department, Massey University, Private Box 756, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.AbstractTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with complaints including headaches, restlessness, memory problems, or irritability, which are assumed to be a consequence of the TBI. The current study is a first attempt to establish the prevalence of common TBI complaints reported by non-brain-injured children aged 11-13. In a 38-item self-report questionnaire, 124 children reported high base rates for symptoms over the past year, especially "grumpy/cross" (79.4%), "frustration" (74.0%), and "fatigue (mental or physical)" (72.2%). This was comparable with base rate information reported by Lees-Haley and Brown (1993) for non-brain-injured adults for a longer period (24-month period). Approximately 20% of children reported five or more symptoms on a daily or weekly basis. They were most likely to be in behavioral and emotional rather than somatic or cognitive domains. Therefore, further research is needed to establish base rate information in order to clarify the true significance of symptom reporting and caution is recommended in interpretation of these symptoms in neuropsychological assessment of TBI in children.
- Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists.Arch Clin Neuropsychol.2011 Jun;26(4):349-55. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acr028. Epub 2011 May 9.
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with complaints including headaches, restlessness, memory problems, or irritability, which are assumed to be a consequence of the TBI. The current study is a first attempt to establish the prevalence of common TBI complaints reported by non-brain-injured ch
- PMID 21558282
- Corticosteroids during continuation therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: the psycho-social impact.
- McGrath P1, Rawson-Huff N.Author information 1International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research, Central Queensland University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. pam_mcgrath@bigpond.comAbstractThis article presents the findings of qualitative research exploring the psycho-social effects of corticosteroid use in pediatric hematology patients during continuation therapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). The findings are from a 5-year longitudinal study that documented the experience of treatment for childhood leukemia and related disorders from the perspective of the child patient and their family from the point of diagnosis to 1 year post-treatment. To date, scant information on the serious emotional side-effects of corticosteroid administration for children with ALL during the continuation period is available. This is concerning in light of the many serious challenges corticosteroid use poses to families of children with ALL. For this group of parents, dealing with the impact of corticosteroids on their child was reported as the major and only treatment-related stress during the continuation period of treatment for ALL. The impact of these drugs, described in very negative terms, was considered exacerbated by the fact that during the continuation period they are repeatedly administered in 5-week cycles. Anger and aggression, both passive and in acts of physical violence, in combination with temper tantrums and uncontrollable behavior were major concerns. Under the influence of corticosteroids the children could be moody, grumpy, confused, emotionally labile, depressed, sullen and withdrawn. The children could quickly switch from one emotional state to another, such as from aggression to emotionality. They could experience trouble with sleeping and talk excessively. The parents outlined a range of positive strategies for coping with the difficult behavior. The authors make a number of recommendations aimed at assisting parents to deal with the impact of the administration of corticosteroids in continuation therapy, including increasing the awareness on the part of health care providers of the side-effects of these drugs and their impact on the child with ALL and their family; provision of information to families on the effects of corticosteroid use; and, ensuring that professional counseling assistance is available when required.
- Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing.Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs.2010;33(1):5-19. doi: 10.3109/01460860903486572.
- This article presents the findings of qualitative research exploring the psycho-social effects of corticosteroid use in pediatric hematology patients during continuation therapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). The findings are from a 5-year longitudinal study that documented the experience o
- PMID 20121577
Japanese Journal
- 加納 政芳,清水 太郎
- 日本ロボット学会誌 29(3), 298-305, 2011-04-15
- … Babyloid is not all-arounder and cannot do anything, except expressions of physiological and psychological states for the self-sufficiency such as whimpering, becoming grumpy and so on. …
- NAID 10027995864
- 加納 政芳
- 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 27(0), 210-210, 2011
- Babyloidは,高齢者に世話されるロボットであり,これにより高齢者の心理的苦痛を緩和することを目的としている.Babyloidは,一般的なロボットが目指すような人と同じように「すべての作業できるように」ではなく,「なにもできないように」設計した.ただし,泣く,機嫌が悪くなるなどの生理的・心理的状態を表出することを通して,空腹や暇などの自らの状態を他者(高齢者)の助けによって改善しようとする(自 …
- NAID 130004591810
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