- (芝居・本などが)注意(興味)を引く
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English Journal
- Mechanical Gripper Design and Force Analysis of Microplates for Automated High-Throughput Nucleic Acid Detection System.
- Wang C, Guo Z, Zhu H, He N, Chen Z, Wang Z.
- Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 2020 Mar;20(3)1401-1408.
- In the automated high-throughput nucleic acid detection system, we need to grip and transfer consumables frequently when carrying out multichannel nucleic acid detection. In order to ensure the efficiency of experiments and solve problems of the deflection and drop when transferring microplates, we
- PMID 31492300
- Manual dexterity of mice during food-handling involves the thumb and a set of fast basic movements.
- Barrett JM, Raineri Tapies MG, Shepherd GMG.
- PloS one. 2020 ;15(1)e0226774.
- The small first digit (D1) of the mouse's hand resembles a volar pad, but its thumb-like anatomy suggests ethological importance for manipulating small objects. To explore this possibility, we recorded high-speed close-up video of mice eating seeds and other food items. Analyses of ethograms and aut
- PMID 31940368
- Use of an Iris Speculum for Retrolental Membrane Dissection for Stage 5 Prematurity of Retinopathy Complicated With Pupillary Adhesion.
- Lyu J, Zhang Q, Zhao P.
- Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2020 Jan;().
- To report a novel use of an iris speculum to assist with membrane dissection and trough separation for stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity-related funnel-shaped tractional retinal detachment complicated with pupillary adhesion. Limbus-based closed vitrectomy and membrane dissection were performed in
- PMID 31929414
Japanese Journal
- 247 触力覚センサシステムを搭載したロボットによる把持動作に伴う触感の検討
- 244 触力覚センサシステムを搭載した三ヅ爪ロボットハンドによる物体把持
- 243 触力覚センサシステムを搭載した二ツ爪ロボットハンドによる柔軟物の把持
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- grippingとは。意味や和訳。[形]〈芝居・本などが〉興味[注意, 関心]を引く, 魅惑的な.grip・ping・ly[副]grip・ping・ness[名] - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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