- (一般に)『優秀さ』,質のよさ,よい状態 / (人の)『親切』,優しさ,寛容,親切 / (食物などの)『よいところ』,精髄,滋養分 / 《Godを遠回しに言って驚きを表す句に用いて》
- 純粋な,自然の,混じり気のない
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/27 16:33:46」(JST)
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Goodness may refer to:
- Good and evil
- Goodness!, a 1969 album by jazz saxophonist Houston Person
- Goodness and value theory
- Goodness (band)
- Goodness, Greek concept arete
- Goodness, lunar feature aka Lacus Bonitatis
- Goodness of fit, statistical criterion
- Good (religion)
See also
- Form of the Good, Plato's macrocosmic view of goodness in living
- Good (disambiguation)
- Goodes (disambiguation)
- Goode, surname
- Goods (disambiguation)
- Good (surname)
- List of people known as the Good
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English Journal
- Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging in visualizing moisture distribution of mango slices during microwave-vacuum drying.
- Pu YY1, Sun DW2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Dec 1;188:271-8. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.04.120. Epub 2015 Apr 27.
- Mango slices were dried by microwave-vacuum drying using a domestic microwave oven equipped with a vacuum desiccator inside. Two lab-scale hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems were employed for moisture prediction. The Page and the Two-term thin-layer drying models were suitable to describe the curre
- PMID 26041192
- Model-Based Adaptive 3D Sonar Reconstruction in Reverberating Environments.
- Saucan AA, Sintes C, Chonavel T, Caillec JM.
- IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.IEEE Trans Image Process.2015 Oct;24(10):2928-40. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2015.2432676. Epub 2015 May 13.
- In this paper, we propose a novel model-based approach for 3D underwater scene reconstruction, i.e., bathymetry, for side scan sonar arrays in complex and highly reverberating environments like shallow water areas. The presence of multipath echoes and volume reverberation generates false depth estim
- PMID 25974936
- The role of explanatory considerations in updating.
- Douven I1, Schupbach JN2.
- Cognition.Cognition.2015 Sep;142:299-311. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2015.04.017. Epub 2015 Jun 9.
- There is an ongoing controversy in philosophy about the connection between explanation and inference. According to Bayesians, explanatory considerations should be given weight in determining which inferences to make, if at all, only insofar as doing so is compatible with Strict Conditionalization. E
- PMID 26069937
Japanese Journal
- 看護職者の職場ハラスメント被害に関する測定尺度の開発
- 川村 友紀,實金 栄,山口 三重子,中嶋 和夫,Yuki Kawamura,Sakae Mikane,Mieko Yamaguchi,Kazuo Nakajima
- … A hypothetical higher-order factor analysis model for statistical analysis was constructed to assess goodness of fit, and a confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the validity. … The items in the above-mentioned model that were not statistically significant in the goodness of fit assessment were deleted. … The remaining items determined to be included in the goodness of fit assessment were reevaluated. …
- NAID 120005557157
- アンセルムスにおける「意志の善性」について (宮庄哲夫先生 中山善樹先生退職記念論文集)
- 東アジアにおける通貨統合の適合度について : 便益・費用分析を中心に (靎見誠良教授退職記念号)
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