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English Journal
- Early intervention in developmental delay.
- Sengupta U1, Kumar A, Gupta S, Anthony F, Nizamie A.
- Indian journal of pediatrics.Indian J Pediatr.2008 Apr;75(4):393-7. doi: 10.1007/s12098-008-0044-3. Epub 2008 May 18.
- A 10-month-old child with prenatal history of vaginal bleeding in mother at 8 weeks of pregnancy, delivered by cesarean section and history of neonatal jaundice was bought with poor social smile, poor eye contact, and inability to sit independently. He was enrolled in early intervention programme, w
- PMID 18536896
- The effect of two commercial antibacterial mouthrinses on plaque growth in vivo.
- Saxén L, Harjola O, Ainamo J.
- Journal of clinical periodontology.J Clin Periodontol.1976 Nov;3(4):195-9.
- An experimental study was designed to compare the claimed antibacterial effect of Betadine and Blend-a-med Fluid with the known plaque growth inhibiting effect of a 0.2% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine digluconate (Hibitane). Before the test perios for 5 days. During the following week they cleane
- PMID 1069010
Japanese Journal
- 看護学生の臨地実習における倫理的問題の遭遇と道徳的感性との関連
- 佐々木 理恵子
- 日本赤十字秋田短期大学紀要 12, 7-19, 2007
- 看護系短期大学の臨地実習を終了した3年生を対象とし、「臨床実習での倫理的問題の遭遇の有無により道徳感性に対する反応が異なるか」を探るために調査を実施した。臨地実習で倫理的問題の認知の有無の調査と共にLutzenのMST(Moral Sensitivity Test, 1994)を中村らが一部改変し作成した内容項目を調査用紙に用いた。データはA群(倫理的問題遭遇群)13名、B群(倫理的問題非遭遇群) …
- NAID 110006966497
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