- bind with something round or circular (同)encircle
- put a girdle on or around; "gird your loins" (同)gird
- a band of material around the waist that strengthens a skirt or trousers (同)cincture, sash, waistband, waistcloth
- an encircling or ringlike structure
- cut a girdle around so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients; "girdle the plant" (同)deaden
- ctenophore having a ribbon-shaped iridescent gelatinous body (同)Cestum veneris
- 〈帯など〉‘を'締める;(帯などで)〈腰など〉‘を'巻く《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (…で)…‘を'取り巻く,囲む《+『名』+『with』(『by』)+『名』》 / (…に)〈自分〉‘を'身構えさせる《+one『self for』+『名』》;(…しようと)〈自分〉‘を'構える《+one『self to』 do》
- (腰に着ける)ベルト,ひも,飾り帯 / ガードル(特に婦人用のゴム入りコルセット) / 《文》帯状に取り巻くもの / …‘を'帯で締める,帯で巻く / …‘を'取り巻く,囲む
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For the Russian Group of Study of Reactive Motion, see GIRD. For the village in Iran, see Gird, Iran.
- You may be looking for the uniform polyhedron sometimes called gird, the great rhombidodecahedron.
Historical Region of North India
Gird |
Location |
northern Madhya Pradesh |
19th-century flag |
State established: |
11th century |
Language |
??? |
Dynasties |
Sisodias (1731-1949) |
Historical capitals |
Gwalior |
Gird (also can be known as Gopasetra in ancient times, or Gwalior region later) is a region of Madhya Pradesh state in central India. It includes the districts of Bhind, Gwalior, Morena, Sheopur, and Shivpuri. Gwalior is the largest city in the region, and its historic center.
The Chambal and Yamuna rivers form the northwestern and northern boundaries of the region. Hadoti region of Rajasthan lies to the southwest, Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh lies to the south, and Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh lies to the east.
The region is semi arid characterized by black less fertile soil,rainfall of 200 to 300 mm/year, and winter temperatures that sometimes drop below 5 degrees Celsius. Major crops in the region include soyabean, gram and wheat and under assured irrigation, and guava, ber, aonla, and custardapple.
See: Gwalior state
Proposed states and territories of India
Proposed states |
- Awadh (Uttar Pradesh)
- Bodoland (Assam)
- Baghelkhand (Uttar Pradesh/Madhya Pradesh)
- Bhojpur (Uttar Pradesh/Bihar)
- Bundelkhand (Uttar Pradesh/Madhya Pradesh)
- Coastal Andhra (Andhra Pradesh)
- Chola Nadu (Tamil Nadu)
- Delhi
- Dimaraji (Assam/Nagaland)
- Dogradesh (Jammu and Kashmir)
- Garoland (Meghalaya)
- Gird (Madhya Pradesh)
- Gondwana (Northern Deccan Plateau)
- Gorkhaland (West Bengal)
- Harit Pradesh (Uttar Pradesh)
- Kalyana Karnataka (Karnataka)
- Kamtapur (West Bengal)
- Karbi Anglong (Assam)
- Male Nadu Karnataka
- Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir)
- Khandesh (Maharashtra)
- Kodagu (Karnataka)
- Kongu Nadu (Tamil Nadu)
- Konkan (Maharashtra/Goa/Karnataka)
- Kosal (Odisha)
- Kutch Gujarat
- Mahakoshal (Madhya Pradesh)
- Malwa (Madhya Pradesh)
- Marathwada (Maharashtra)
- Maru Pradesh (Rajasthan)
- Mithila (Bihar)
- Nagalim (Nagaland/Assam/Arunachal Pradesh)
- Pandya Nadu (Tamil Nadu)
- Panun Kashmir (Jammu and Kashmir)
- Puducherry
- Purvanchal (Uttar Pradesh)
- Rayalaseema (Andhra Pradesh)
- Saurashtra (Gujarat)
- Seemanchal (Bihar)
- Tipraland (Tripura)
- Tulu Nadu (Karnataka/Kerala)
- Vidarbha (Maharashtra)
- Vindhya Pradesh (Madhya Pradesh)
- Uttarandhra (Andhra Pradesh)
Proposed territories |
- Karaikal (Puducherry)
- Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir)
Current states and territories
Historical regions of North India
- Ajmer
- Awadh
- Bagelkhand
- Braj
- Bundelkhand
- Delhi
- Doab
- Doaba
- Dhundhar
- Garhwal
- Gird
- Godwar
- Hadoti
- Jaisalmer
- Jangladesh
- Kumaun
- Magadha
- Mahakoshal
- Majha
- Malwa
- Malwa (Punjab)
- Marwar
- Mewar
- Mewat
- Mithila
- Nimar
- Purvanchal
- Rohilkhand
- Shekhawati
- Vagad
Coordinates: 26°12′N 78°12′E / 26.200°N 78.200°E / 26.200; 78.200
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English Journal
- The In situ growth of Nanostructures on Surfaces (INS) endstation of the ESRF BM32 beamline: a combined UHV-CVD and MBE reactor for in situ X-ray scattering investigations of growing nanoparticles and semiconductor nanowires.
- Cantelli V1, Geaymond O1, Ulrich O1, Zhou T1, Blanc N1, Renaud G1.
- Journal of synchrotron radiation.J Synchrotron Radiat.2015 May 1;22(Pt 3):688-700. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- This paper presents the upgraded `In situ growth of Nanoscructures on Surfaces' (INS) endstation of the InterFace beamline IF-BM32 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). This instrument, originally designed to investigate the structure of clean surfaces/interfaces/thin-films by surfa
- PMID 25931085
- The effect of glenohumeral internal rotation deficit on the isokinetic strength, pain, and quality of life in male high school baseball players.
- Lee J1, Kim LN1, Song H2, Kim S1, Woo S3.
- Annals of rehabilitation medicine.Ann Rehabil Med.2015 Apr;39(2):183-90. doi: 10.5535/arm.2015.39.2.183. Epub 2015 Apr 24.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) on the isokinetic strength, body pain, and the quality of life in male high school baseball players of Korea.METHODS: Fifty-six male high school baseball players were divided into either group A (GIRD≥20°, n=12
- PMID 25932414
- Posterosuperior glenoid internal impingement of the shoulder in the overhead athlete: Pathogenesis, clinical features and MR imaging findings.
- Fessa CK1, Peduto A, Linklater J, Tirman P.
- Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology.J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol.2015 Apr;59(2):182-7. doi: 10.1111/1754-9485.12276. Epub 2015 Jan 14.
- Posterosuperior glenoid internal impingement (PGII) is an impingement syndrome of the shoulder that is most commonly seen in the throwing or overhead athlete. The supraspinatus can be normally compressed or impinged between the greater tuberosity and the posterosuperior labrum in the abduction and e
- PMID 25586665
- Comparison of shoulder rotation range of motion in professional tennis players with and without history of shoulder pain.
- Moreno-Pérez V1, Moreside J2, Barbado D1, Vera-Garcia FJ3.
- Manual therapy.Man Ther.2015 Apr;20(2):313-8. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2014.10.008. Epub 2014 Oct 19.
- A glenohumeral internal rotation deficit of the dominant shoulder relative to the non-dominant shoulder (GIRD) is considered a risk factor for shoulder injury in overhead athletes. The aim of this study was to investigate whether professional tennis players with a history of self-reported shoulder p
- PMID 25458143
Japanese Journal
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics in the Plasma of an Ion Thruster
- YAMAMOTO Naoji,HIRAOKA Yoshiaki,SUGITA Kensaku,KURITA Tomoaki,TOMITA Kentaro,UCHINO Kiichiro,NAKASHIMA Hideki
- … In order to validate the grid erosion evaluation code for the lifetime validation of ion thrusters, the electron number density/temperature in the vicinity of a screen gird in a 30 W class microwave discharge ion thruster were measured by means of laser Thomson scattering (LTS) technique. …
- NAID 130002136687
- 橋本 友也,三浦 一之,西関 隆夫
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. COMP, コンピュテーション 111(113), 1-8, 2011-06-23
- 平面グラフの全ての点を整数格子点上に配置し,全ての辺を互いに交わることのない直線分で描画し,外面を含む全ての面を凸多角形であるようにしたい.そのような描画を格子凸描画と呼ぶ.平面グラフGが凸描画できるための必要十分条件は,Gが内部3連結であることである.内部3連結平面グラフGの3連結成分分解木T(G)に葉が高々3枚しかないとき,(n-1)×(n-1)の大きさの整数格子内に線形時間で格子凸描画できる …
- NAID 110008746412
- 投球障害肩における前上方インピンジメント(anterosuperior impingement)の病態
- 杉本 勝正,後藤 英之,吉田 雅人,土屋 篤志,武長 徹也
- 肩関節 35(3), 945-948, 2011
- … ASI was present preoperatively in 19 / 22 cases and GIRD (glenohumeral internal rotation deficit) existed in 22 / 22 cases. … We considered that some relationship might exist between ASI and anterior instability, and GIRD resulting from throwing injury. …
- NAID 130002103661
- 投球障害肩における TL (triceps long head) テストの有用性
- 杉本 勝正,後藤 英之,吉田 雅人,土屋 篤志,武長 徹也
- 肩関節 = Shoulder joint 34(3), 613-615, 2010-08-04
- … 27 cases had GIRD(glenohumaral internal rotaion deficit). …
- NAID 10027675537
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- girdとは。意味や和訳。[動](〜・ed or girt 〔rt〕)(他)((文))1 〈人・腰などを〉(帯・ベルトなどで)締める((with ...));〈剣などを〉着ける((on));〈権力・力などを〉授ける, 賦与するgird oneself (with a belt)帯を締める.2 …... - goo辞書は ...
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