- a difference that is usually pleasant; "he goes to France for variety"; "it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic" (同)change
- (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics; "varieties are frequently recognized in botany"
- work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening"
- a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
- a yard or lawn adjoining a house
- the flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden
- the cultivation of plants (同)horticulture
- {U}『変化に富んでいること』,多様性 / {U}《しばしば a variety》『さまざま』(な…),いろいろ(な…)《+of+名〈複数形または集合名詞〉》 / {C}(…の)『種類』(kind, sort)《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(特に植物の)変種;(人工的に作り出した)(…の)品種《+of+名》 / (また variety show)〈U〉バラエティ(歌・ダンス・アクロバット・寸劇から成る演芸;テレビ・ミュージックホールの出し物)
- 〈C〉『庭』,庭園 / 〈U〉庭面積 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》『公園』,遊園 / 《Gardens》《地名の後に置いて》…街,…通り / 庭いじりをする,園芸をする / 〈場所・土地〉‘を'耕して庭にする / 庭で育つ;庭園用の
- 造園,園芸
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English Journal
- GH therapy and cancer risk in hypopituitarism: what we know from human studies.
- Pekic S, Popovic V.Author information Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade and Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University Clinical Center Belgrade, <br/>Dr Subotica 13, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.AbstractIt has been difficult to identify factors that affect the risk of cancer, but we know that people are at higher risk as they get older, or if they have a strong family history of cancer. The potential influence of environmental and behavioral factors remains poorly understood. Early population-based and case-control studies suggested that higher serum levels of IGF1 could be associated with increased cancer risk. Since GH therapy increases IGF1 levels, concern has been raised regarding its potential role as a cancer initiation factor. Experimental evidence and some clinical studies showed that when GH/IGF1 secretion or action was inhibited, a decreased incidence and rate of progression of cancers occurred. However, human populations comprise a garden variety of genotypes that respond differently to the same kind of exposures. Human population studies frequently reveal only very small effects to these exposures. So, are GH and cancer guilty by association? After more than 20 years, leukemia, a major safety issue initially believed associated with GH treatment in children with GH deficiency (GHD), has not been confirmed but the risk of second malignancies in patients previously treated with irradiation has been detected or confirmed through the National Cooperative Growth Study. Overall, this large study confirmed the favorable overall safety profile of GH therapy in children with GHD, and also highlighted specific populations at potential risk. The risk of secondary malignancy following radiotherapy is surely related to radiotherapy more than GH therapy that may increase growth but is less likely to start the oncogenic process. In GH-deficient adults treated with GH, observational studies (KIMS, HypoCCS) have shown that when IGF1 levels were targeted within normal age-related reference ranges, the occurrence of malignancies was not higher than in the general population.
- European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies.Eur J Endocrinol.2013 Oct 1;169(5):R89-97. doi: 10.1530/EJE-13-0389. Print 2013 Nov.
- It has been difficult to identify factors that affect the risk of cancer, but we know that people are at higher risk as they get older, or if they have a strong family history of cancer. The potential influence of environmental and behavioral factors remains poorly understood. Early population-based
- PMID 23935131
- A Novel CYP1B1 Mutation with Congenital Glaucoma and Total Aniridia.
- Alzuhairy S, Abu-Amero KK, Al-Shahwan S, Edward DP.Author information King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital , Riyadh , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .AbstractAbstract Purpose: Primary congenital glaucoma is a common disorder in the Middle East mainly caused by mutations in the the CYP1Bl gene. We report a family with three siblings that presented with recalcitrant childhood glaucoma, aniridia in two siblings with a novel CYP1B1 gene mutation. Materials and methods: Review of pedigree, clinical history and clinical course of the family. Genetic testing in the affected family members. Results: Three sisters presented with clinical findings of severe congenital glaucoma and a positive family history. Clinical examination of two of sisters revealed corneal scarring, bilateral aniridia with severe glaucoma that required multiple surgical procedures to control intraocular pressure. The third sibling presented with garden-variety primary congenital glaucoma. Genetic analysis revealed a novel CYP1B1 gene mutation (g.8291 C > T; p.S485F). Conclusion: CYP1B1 mutation related congenital glaucoma can present with an extreme form of anterior segment dysgenesis that includes recalcitrant glaucoma, corneal opacification and aniridia.
- Ophthalmic genetics.Ophthalmic Genet.2013 Sep 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract Purpose: Primary congenital glaucoma is a common disorder in the Middle East mainly caused by mutations in the the CYP1Bl gene. We report a family with three siblings that presented with recalcitrant childhood glaucoma, aniridia in two siblings with a novel CYP1B1 gene mutation. Materials a
- PMID 24001018
- Comparison of Two New Mouse Models of Polygenic Type 2 Diabetes at the Jackson Laboratory, NONcNZO10Lt/J and TALLYHO/JngJ.
- Leiter EH, Strobel M, O'Neill A, Schultz D, Schile A, Reifsnyder PC.Author information The Jackson Laboratory, 600 Main Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609, USA.AbstractThis review compares two novel polygenic mouse models of type 2 diabetes (T2D), TALLYHO/JngJ and NONcNZO10/LtJ, and contrasts both with the well-known C57BLKS/J-Lepr(db) (db/db) monogenic diabesity model. We posit that the new polygenic models are more representative of the "garden variety" obesity underlying human T2D in terms of their polygenetic rather than monogenic etiology. Moreover, the clinical phenotypes in these new models are less extreme, for example, more moderated development of obesity coupled with less extreme endocrine disturbances. The more progressive development of obesity produces a maturity-onset development of hyperglycemia in contrast to the juvenile-onset diabetes observed in the morbidly obese db/db model. Unlike the leptin receptor-deficient db/db models with central leptin resistance, the new models develop a progressive peripheral leptin resistance and are able to maintain reproductive function. Although the T2D pathophysiology in both TALLYHO/JngJ and NONcNZO10/LtJ is remarkably similar, their genetic etiologies are clearly different, underscoring the genetic heterogeneity underlying T2D in humans.
- Journal of diabetes research.J Diabetes Res.2013;2013:165327. doi: 10.1155/2013/165327. Epub 2013 Apr 8.
- This review compares two novel polygenic mouse models of type 2 diabetes (T2D), TALLYHO/JngJ and NONcNZO10/LtJ, and contrasts both with the well-known C57BLKS/J-Lepr(db) (db/db) monogenic diabesity model. We posit that the new polygenic models are more representative of the "garden variety" obesity
- PMID 23671854
Japanese Journal
- Garden Variety Double Binds : The Paradoxical Challenges of Oral Language Education foe IT Students in Japan
- ツバキ園芸品種'炉開き'が種子親ヤブツバキ(Camellia japonica)×花粉親チャ(C. sinensis)の種間交雑種であることのRAPDおよびSSRマーカーによる確認とチャ育種への利用の可能性
- 田中 淳一,太田(目徳) さくら,武田 善行
- 育種学研究 5(4), 149-154, 2003-12-01
- ツバキの園芸品種'炉開き'はその形態的特徴,発見された地域や状況等から,ヤブツバキ(Camelliaia japonica)の変種ユキツバキ(C. japonica var. decumbens)とチャ(C. sinensis)の種間交雑種であると考えられてきた.しかし,決定的証拠ともいえるDNAについ'炉開き'の雑種性について検討した例はなかった.'炉開き'について,DNAマーカーの一種であるR …
- NAID 110001803169
- Cyto-embryological Studies in a Garden Aloe (a Hybrid between A. abyssinica Lam. and A. ferox Mill. ?):II. Karyotype and mitotic anomalies
- Sapre A. B.
- CYTOLOGIA 41(2), 253-259, 1976
- … Karyomorphological studies in a garden variety of aloe suggest that it is an interspecific hybrid.2. …
- NAID 130003954618
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