- a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited (同)art gallery, picture gallery
- a covered corridor (especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported with arches or columns)
- a long usually narrow room used for some specific purpose; "shooting gallery"
- narrow recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the interior of a building; usually marked by a colonnade
- spectators at a golf or tennis match
- (figurative) people whose criticisms are regarded as irrelevant or insignificant (resembling uneducated people who throw peanuts on the stage to express displeasure with a performance); "he ignored complaints from the peanut gallery"
- a narrow raised platform at the side of a stage in a theater; stagehands can work the ropes controlling equipment in the flies (同)fly floor
- a space beneath a dome or arch in which sounds produced at certain points are clearly audible at certain distant points (同)whispering dome
- an enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun practice (同)shooting range
- a collection of pictures of criminals
- 『回廊』,歩廊 / (広間などの上部に突き出た)『さじき』,(特に)(劇場の)天井さじき;(議場などの)傍聴席 / 《the ~》《集合的に》天井さじきの見物人,大向こう / 画廊,美術品陳列場(室) / 《集合的に》(ゴルフ試合などの)見物人;(国会などの)傍聴人 / (鉱山の)坑道
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[Wiki ja表示]
Wikipediaでのギャラリー・タグを用いたサムネイル画像の表示方法については、Help:画像の表示#ギャラリーを参照。 |
ギャラリー(英: Gallery)
- 美術品を展示する施設。画廊。→ ギャラリー (美術) を参照。
- 回廊形式の建築。
- 建築物の壁面に施すアーチ状の装飾。小人ギャラリー(en:Dwarf gallery)。単にギャラリーとも。
- 艦船で船尾の回廊部分。ギャラリー甲板。
- 劇場で最上階・最後方の一番安い天井桟敷席。
- ゴルフやテニスの試合の観客。
- 長さの長い空調の吹き出し口。→ 空気調和設備を参照。
- かつてニューヨークに存在した、流行の最先端を行く音楽と客層で有名だったディスコの名称。
- 井上陽水の楽曲。アルバム「ハンサムボーイ」に収録。
- 観覧席のこと。体育館などの観客席。
- ダムの堤体を管理するためのトンネル。監査廊、通廊。
- 2009年のイギリス映画。→ ギャラリー (映画) を参照。
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[Wiki en表示]
For the MediaWiki <Gallery> tag, see Wikipedia:Gallery tag.
Gallery may refer to:
- An art museum (art gallery)
- A retail art shop (also often known as an art gallery)
- An exhibition room in a museum
- Long gallery, an element in architecture: a long hallway or long, narrow room, frequently decorated with sculptures and frescoes
- A narrow balcony, usually including a railing, inside or outside of a building
- A minstrels' gallery, a balcony used by performing musicians
- An observation deck, usually on the upper floors of a building, used to afford visitors a long-distance view
- Gallery, in a theatre or concert hall, one or more raised seating platforms towards the rear of the auditorium – see Theater (structure)
- In UK television production, gallery is used as a substitute for production control room
- An audience or group of spectators
- A peanut gallery, an audience that heckles performers
- In mining, a horizontal passage in an underground mine
- Gallery Project, an open source project enabling management and publication of digital photographs and other media through a web server
- An oil gallery, a lubricating oil passage within an internal combustion engine
Proper noun[edit]
- Gallery (band), an American soft rock band of the 1970s
- Gallery (band), a UK folk group of the 1970s
- "Gallery" (song), by Mario Vasquez
- Gallery (magazine), published by Montcalm Publishing
- The Gallery Project, a photo-viewing application built in PHP
- Gallery Hotel, a hotel in Singapore
The Gallery may refer to[edit]
- The Gallery, a 1947 novel by John Horne Burns
- The Gallery (disco), a disco in Manhattan [1972-1977]
- The Gallery (album), a 1995 album by Dark Tranquillity
- "The Gallery", a song on the Bradley Joseph album Rapture
- The Gallery at Market East, a mall in Philadelphia
- The Gallery (video game), 2013 game
- Three brothers in the U.S. Navy during World War II:
- Rear Admiral Daniel V. Gallery (1901–1977)
- Rear Admiral William O. Gallery (1904–1981)
- Rear Admiral Philip D. Gallery (1907–1973)
- Robert Gallery, an American football player for the Oakland Raiders
English Journal
- Preparation and characterization of a tetrabutylammonium graphite intercalation compound.
- Sirisaksoontorn W, Adenuga AA, Remcho VT, Lerner MM.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Oregon State University , Corvallis, Oregon 97331-4003, United States.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2011 Aug 17;133(32):12436-8. Epub 2011 Jul 26.
- The intercalation of tetrabutylammonium (TBA) cations into graphite by cation exchange from a sodium-ethylenediamine graphite intercalation compound yields a single-phase first-stage product, C(44)TBA, with a gallery expansion of 0.47 nm. The gallery dimension requires an anisotropic "flattened" cat
- PMID 21780799
- Associations between Political/Civic Participation and HIV Drug Injection Risk.
- Mino M, Deren S, Kang SY, Guarino H.SourceNational Development and Research Institutes, Inc. , New York , NY.
- The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse.Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse.2011 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background: Participating in civic activities has been found to be related to positive health outcomes. Objective: This study examines associations between injection drug use health variables (sharing paraphernalia, using shooting galleries) and political/civic engagement (identifying with any polit
- PMID 21819309
- Ordered Blue Luminescent Ultrathin Films by the Effective Coassembly of Tris(8-hydroxyquinolate-5-sulfonate)aluminum and Polyanions with Layered Double Hydroxides.
- Li S, Lu J, Ma H, Xu J, Yan D, Wei M, Evans DG, Duan X.SourceState Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology , Beijing 100029, PR China.
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.Langmuir.2011 Aug 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- This article reports a novel method to assemble a small anion with exfoliated Mg-Al-layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanosheets into ordered ultrathin films (UTFs) by employing the layer-by-layer assembly technique. The premixing solution of tris(8-hydroxyquinolate-5-sulfonate)aluminum(III) (AQS(3-))
- PMID 21823659
Japanese Journal
- カナダ・ケロウナ・アート・ギャラリーにおける美術教育プログラムの一例
- CS-1-8 過渡ウィスパリングギャラリーモード放射の近似解析法と近似精度(CS-1.電磁波散乱に対する解析的および数値的方法,シンポジウムセッション)
- 後藤 啓次,河野 徹,石原 豊彦
- 電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2011年_エレクトロニクス(1), "S-14"-"S-15", 2011-02-28
- NAID 110008508573
- 森田 修平,宝崎 隆祐,畠山 雄介
- 情報処理学会論文誌. 数理モデル化と応用 4(1), 19-35, 2011-01-26
- 本論文では,美術館のような施設における警備員の巡視路の最適選択と巡視中の効果的な捜索法を議論する.美術館問題のように施設警備に関する問題は,これまで幾何学的観点から主に議論されてきたが,スケジューリング問題のような時間を含む動的な問題を取り扱うことは困難であった.そこで,本論文ではスケジューリング問題を含んだ警備巡視路の問題を数理計画法やゲーム理論,探索理論を用いて解くことを考える.そのため,全体 …
- NAID 110007891207
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