English Journal
- [Analysis and treatment of complications induced by polyacrylamide hydrogel injection].
- Feng XL1, Yi CX, Peng C, Zhang YM, Yang M, Wang YR, Guo NQ, Zhou WD.
- Zhonghua zheng xing wai ke za zhi = Zhonghua zhengxing waike zazhi = Chinese journal of plastic surgery.Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi.2003 Sep;19(5):331-3.
- OBJECTIVE: To explore the reasons for the complications of polyacrylamide hydrogel injection.METHODS: 39 patients were included in this study, who had complications after polyacrylamide hydrogel injection in the breasts, nose, temproal area or depressed locus. The clinical manifestations of the comp
- PMID 15179868
- [Incidence of mastitis, galactostasis and rhagades among parturients with deformed nipples and nipples with reduced erectility].
- Pranchev N.
- Akusherstvo i ginekologii͡a.Akush Ginekol (Sofiia).1987;26(3):42-5.
- PMID 3631431
Japanese Journal
- 13.産褥異常の管理と治療(D.産科疾患の診断・治療・管理,研修コーナー)
- 産褥早期の乳房・乳頭トラブルとそのケアの実態 : 秋田県内の医療施設における実態調査から
- 志賀 くに子,伊藤 榮子
- 日本赤十字秋田短期大学紀要 11, 29-35, 2006
- 産褥早期の乳房・乳頭トラブルの発生件数・内容およびそれらに対するケア内容について明らかにすることを目的に、秋田県内医療施設(18施設の褥婦364名)に対して調査を行った。その結果を以下に示す。1.乳房・乳頭トラブルは153名(42.0%)の褥婦に発生しており、最も多い発生時期は産褥3日目の52名(34.0%)であり、次いで産褥2日目の42名(27.5%)、産褥4日目の26名(17.0%)であった。 …
- NAID 110006459696
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- galactostasis /gal·ac·tos·ta·sis/ (gal″ak-tos´tah-sis) 1. cessation of lactation. 2. abnormal collection of milk in the mammary glands. galactostasis [gal″ak-tos´tah-sis] 1. cessation of milk secretion. 2. abnormal collection of milk in the ...
- Galactostasis, also known as caked breasts, is a condition in which the breasts accumulate too much milk during late pregnancy and lactation causing an inflammatory reaction. The treatment for galactostasis is to first withhold food ...
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- 英
- galactostasis、overdistention of milk
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- 乳汁うっ滞、うっ滞性乳腺炎