- 関
- futile
- uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result
- producing no result or effect; "a futile effort"; "the therapy was ineffectual"; "an otiose undertaking"; "an unavailing attempt" (同)ineffectual, otiose, unavailing
- 〈U〉むだ,無益 / 〈C〉《軽べつして》むだなもの
- (努力などが)むだな,むなしい / (人が)軽薄な,くだらない
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/11 14:58:38」(JST)
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Futility or Futile may refer to:
- Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan, an 1898 novel
- Futility (poem), 1918 poem by Wilfred Owen
- Futile (EP), a 2003 EP album by Porcupine Tree
- Futility (album), a 2004 album of the industrial death metal band DÅÅTH
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English Journal
- An Adaptive Group Sequential Phase II Design to Compare Treatments for Survival Endpoints in Rare Patient Entities.
- Wunder C, Kopp-Schneider A, Edler L.Sourcea Department of Biostatistics , German Cancer Research Center , Heidelberg , Germany.
- Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics.J Biopharm Stat.2012 Mar;22(2):294-311.
- For rare diseases, standard treatments are often not available and essential study parameters are difficult or impossible to obtain. Therefore, designs of clinical trials for these diseases are often based on little information. Adaptive designs allow such trials to be started and to gain informatio
- PMID 22251175
- Optimal multistage designs for randomised clinical trials with continuous outcomes.
- Wason JM, Mander AP, Thompson SG.SourceHub for Trials Methodology Research, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK. james.wason@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk.
- Statistics in medicine.Stat Med.2012 Feb 20;31(4):301-12. doi: 10.1002/sim.4421. Epub 2011 Dec 5.
- Multistage designs allow considerable reductions in the expected sample size of a trial. When stopping for futility or efficacy is allowed at each stage, the expected sample size under different possible true treatment effects (δ) is of interest. The δ-minimax design is the one for which the maxim
- PMID 22139822
Japanese Journal
- 語りえぬ記憶と復興への学習 : ふたつの大震災の間で(<特集>災害と教育/教育学)
- 山住 勝広
- 教育學研究 79(4), 367-379, 2012-12-30
- 学校における教師と子どもたちの震災学習は、深い傷痕を残す悲痛の記憶をいかに語り互いに共有することができるのかという根源的な矛盾に直面し、それに挑戦するものになる。本論文では、このような矛盾を乗り越えてゆく教育実践は可能かという問いへアプローチするために、震災体験からの学習と教育の事例分析を、活動理論の枠組みにもとづき行った。分析の結果、子どもたちが、学校における震災学習を通じ、学校外のさまざまな「 …
- NAID 110009578477
- PCASに対するTherapeutic Hypothermiaの適応決定とMedical Futilityの回避 (特集 Therapeutic Hypothermiaをめぐって)
- 高齢者医療とmedical futility : 社会的コンセンサスを形成し,患者・家族の価値観にあった治療を目指す (特集 End-of-life)
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- futilityとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 [U](行為の)無益, むなしさ, 無用, 無価値((of ...))the futility of war戦争の無益さ.2 くだらないもの[事];たわいもない行為, むだな努力. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から ...
- futility. 263 likes · 1 talking about this. futility started in 1998 as The Futility Engineer, a solo synthpop oriented outgrowth of Mr. Lacey's previous 6 years of more experimental/noise activity as Mager. Eventualy relocating to NYC in ...
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- 役立たない、無益な、無駄な、むなしい。くだらない。
- 関
- futility