- the condition of bearing fruit
- enjoyment derived from use or possession
- (希望・目的などの)達成,実現 / (植物が)実を結ぶこと
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English Journal
- Balancing personalized medicine and personalized care.
- Cornetta K, Brown CG.SourceDr. Cornetta is Joe C. Christian Professor and chairman of medical and molecular genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Brown is associate professor, Department of Religious Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
- Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.Acad Med.2013 Mar;88(3):309-13. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182806345.
- The current description of personalized medicine by the National Institutes of Health is "the science of individualized prevention and therapy." Although physicians are beginning to see the promise of genetic medicine coming to fruition, the rapid pace of sequencing technology, informatics, and comp
- PMID 23348082
- Genome-scale bacterial transcriptional regulatory networks: reconstruction and integrated analysis with metabolic models.
- Faria JP, Overbeek R, Xia F, Rocha M, Rocha I, Henry CS.AbstractAdvances in sequencing technology are resulting in the rapid emergence of large numbers of complete genome sequences. High-throughput annotation and metabolic modeling of these genomes is now a reality. The high-throughput reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale transcriptional regulatory networks represent the next frontier in microbial bioinformatics. The fruition of this next frontier will depend on the integration of numerous data sources relating to mechanisms, components and behavior of the transcriptional regulatory machinery, as well as the integration of the regulatory machinery into genome-scale cellular models. Here, we review existing repositories for different types of transcriptional regulatory data, including expression data, transcription factor data and binding site locations and we explore how these data are being used for the reconstruction of new regulatory networks. From template network-based methods to de novo reverse engineering from expression data, we discuss how regulatory networks can be reconstructed and integrated with metabolic models to improve model predictions and performance. We also explore the impact these integrated models can have in simulating phenotypes, optimizing the production of compounds of interest or paving the way to a whole-cell model.
- Briefings in bioinformatics.Brief Bioinform.2013 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- Advances in sequencing technology are resulting in the rapid emergence of large numbers of complete genome sequences. High-throughput annotation and metabolic modeling of these genomes is now a reality. The high-throughput reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale transcriptional regulatory networ
- PMID 23422247
- Castrate-resistant prostate cancer: postdocetaxel management.
- Zhao S, Yu EY.SourceaFred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington School of Medicine bUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Current opinion in urology.Curr Opin Urol.2013 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Prior to 2010, docetaxel was the only treatment shown to prolong survival in metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). In the past 3 years, several therapeutic agents have demonstrated survival improvements for CRPC after the receipt of prior docetaxel, leading to mult
- PMID 23344012
- Enlightened publics for public health: assessing disease in colonial Mexico.
- Ramírez P.SourceNorthwestern University, Department of History, 1881 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208, United States. Electronic address: pramirez@northwestern.edu.
- Endeavour.Endeavour.2013 Jan 28. pii: S0160-9327(12)00083-X. doi: 10.1016/j.endeavour.2012.11.001. [Epub ahead of print]
- In the eighteenth century, a new genre of periodical literature appeared from Mexico City's presses that focused on disseminating scientific and medical knowledge to the colonial public. In part a natural extension of the healing manuals published for laypeople in previous centuries, the journals so
- PMID 23369446
Japanese Journal
- ICTを使った理科の授業に関する一考察 : 小学校第5学年「植物の発芽,成長,結実」において
- 小学校第5学年「植物の受粉・結実」におけるファストプランツを用いた授業実践とその効果
- 挫折から実りへ (九州大学哲学会創立第50周年記念) -- (記念号に寄せて)
- Aiming to create innovative machine tools with abilities comparable to humans : Production engineering as the fruition of research into interdisciplinary fusion
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- fru·i·tion (fro o-ĭsh′ən) n. 1. Realization of something desired or worked for; accomplishment: labor finally coming to fruition. 2. Enjoyment derived from use or possession. 3. The condition of bearing fruit. [Middle English fruicioun, from Old French ...
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