- the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth (同)fecundity
English Journal
- Candidate loci for phenology and fruitfulness contributing to the phenotypic variability observed in grapevine.
- Grzeskowiak L, Costantini L, Lorenzi S, Grando MS.SourceCentre for Research and Innovation, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), San Michele all'Adige, Italy, ls.grzeskowiak@gmail.com.
- TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik.Theor Appl Genet.2013 Nov;126(11):2763-76. doi: 10.1007/s00122-013-2170-1. Epub 2013 Aug 6.
- KEY MESSAGE: In this study, we identified several genes, which potentially contribute to phenological variation in the grapevine. This may help to maintain consistent yield and suitability of particular varieties in future climatic conditions. The timing of major developmental events in fruit crops
- PMID 23918063
- Newnham D.AbstractPoet John Keats called autumn the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Season of decay and dopey flying things, more like. Or did my attackers just hop?
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2013 Oct 16;28(7):29. doi: 10.7748/ns2013.
- Poet John Keats called autumn the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Season of decay and dopey flying things, more like. Or did my attackers just hop
- PMID 24128231
- Histone deacetylases as targets for multiple diseases.
- Sangshetti JN, Sakle NS, Dehghan MH, Shinde DB.SourceY.B. Chavan College of Pharmacy, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Campus, Rauza Baugh, Aurangabad-431001, India. jnsangshetti@rediffmail.com
- Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry.Mini Rev Med Chem.2013 Jun;13(7):1005-26.
- Inhibition of Histone deacetylases (HDACs) has been emerged as important approach to reverse aberrant epigenetic changes associated with various cancerous and non-cancerous diseases. The field of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDIs) is moving into a new phase of development. The structure of histon
- PMID 22876951
Japanese Journal
- 直列接続された組電池の統計的寿命解析について(解析手法,システムオンシリコンを支える設計技術)
- 佐々木 大介,築山 修治,松永 真理子,高橋 真吾
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. VLD, VLSI設計技術 113(454), 25-30, 2014-02-24
- 持続可能社会を形成する上で不可欠な蓄電池はセルを直並列接続して構成される電池システムであり,用途毎に最適な接続構造をとる必要がある.ここでの最適性は,寿命やクーロン効率(充電電荷量に対する放電電荷量)など幾つかの指標を用いて判断されるが,設計時におけるこれらの指標の値は,使用環境や製造ばらつきを考慮すると,確定的な値にはできないため,統計的な取り扱いをする必要がある.本文では,セルの容量維持率(S …
- NAID 110009862562
- 日本の温暖地に自生するActinidia属植物に見いだした両性形質と自家結実性の検証
- 観光ホスピタリティ研究教育への米国式アプローチ : マーケティングとミッション・ステートメント
- 横川 潤
- 文教大学国際学部紀要 24(1), 133-149, 2013-07
- … At first, the difference between Japan and the U.S. in Hospitality and Tourism research and education is clarified for the purpose of showing fruitfulness of U.S. style approach. …
- NAID 120005324311
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