- in an unpleasant or menacing manner; "it was forbiddingly dark in the corridor"
- こわい,ぞっとする,無気味な,近寄りにくい
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English Journal
- Emergent gravity requires kinematic nonlocality.
- Marolf D1.
- Physical review letters.Phys Rev Lett.2015 Jan 23;114(3):031104. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
- This Letter refines arguments forbidding nonlinear dynamical gravity from appearing in the low energy effective description of field theories with local kinematics, even for those with instantaneous long-range interactions. Specifically, we note that gravitational theories with universal coupling to
- PMID 25658991
- Determination of charge on asphaltene nanoaggregates in air using electrostatic force microscopy.
- Gaikwad R1, Hande A, Das S, Mitra SK, Thundat T.
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.Langmuir.2015 Jan 20;31(2):679-84. doi: 10.1021/la503968v. Epub 2015 Jan 5.
- In this paper, we provide measurement of charge of asphaltene nanoaggregates in air using electrostatic force microscopy. We obtain the average surface charge density of the nanoaggregates as 43.7 nC/cm(2). Among the different aspects of asphaltene, one of the least known is its charge and the effec
- PMID 25517259
- [Schistosomiasis control effect of measures of replacing cattle with machine for cultivation and forbidding depasturage of livestock on marshlands in marshland and lake regions].
- Cao CL, Bao ZP, Yang PC, Chen Z, Yan J, Ren GH, Li YY, Cai SX, Liu JB, Xu J, Li SZ, Guo JG, Zhou XN.
- Zhongguo xue xi chong bing fang zhi za zhi = Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control.Zhongguo Xue Xi Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi.2014 Dec;26(6):602-7.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the schistosomiasis control effect of the measures of replacing cattle with machine for cultivation and forbidding depasturage of livestock on marshlands in marshland and lake regions.METHODS: The retrospective review and field survey were implemented in the Jiangling and Gong
- PMID 25856882
Japanese Journal
- 「活用」に焦点を当てた日本史学習の実践的研究 -徳川綱吉の施策を題材にして-
- 山﨑 善弘,奥野 浩之,ヤマサキ ヨシヒロ,オクノ ヒロユキ,YAMASAKI Yoshihiro,OKUNO Hiroyuki
- 奈良教育大学紀要(人文・社会科学) 61(1), 81-92, 2012-11-30
- … The textbook said that Tunayoshi Tokugawa issued the edict forbidding cruelties to living things, and was named "Inu kubou" to lead to political turmoil. …
- NAID 120005121698
- 保育場面における保育者の言葉の質を問う -子どもへの「語り」から見えるもの-
- 亜森 瑪依拉,横山 文樹
- 學苑 848, 61-70, 2011-06-01
- … The results suggest that teachers can improve their communication with students in the following ways.1 Improve the quality and the content of their responses so that children can feel that what they say is understood.2 Not to use too many expressions forbidding things such as "Don't do that" and accusative expressions such as "Why did you do that?"3 Make a point of using expressions that will motivate children to think for themselves and to make decisions on their own. …
- NAID 110008668528
- Atmospheric Cluster Dynamics Code: a flexible method for solution of the birth-death equations
- Mcgrath Matthew Joseph,Olenius T.,Ortega I. K.,Loukonen V.,Paasonen P.,Kurtén T.,Kulmala M.,Vehkamäki H.
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 11(9), 25263-25295, 2011-00-00
- … In particular, the temperature and sticking probabilities both have a large impact on all clusters, while the boundary effects (allowing clusters to grow to sizes beyond the largest cluster that the code keeps track of, or forbidding such processes), coagulation sink terms, non-monomer collisions, and monomer concentrations can all have significant effects. …
- NAID 120003386621
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