- 鉄砲水(みず)(猛烈な勢いで流れる洪水;集中豪雨などで突発的に起こる)
English Journal
- Tree growth and water-use in hyper-arid Acacia occurs during the hottest and driest season.
- Winters G, Otieno D, Cohen S, Bogner C, Ragowloski G, Paudel I, Klein T.
- Oecologia. 2018 Nov;188(3)695-705.
- Drought-induced tree mortality has been recently increasing and is expected to increase further under warming climate. Conversely, tree species that survive under arid conditions might provide vital information on successful drought resistance strategies. Although Acacia (Vachellia) species dominate
- PMID 30120548
- Examining the Latent Structure of Acute Stress Disorder Symptoms in Filipino-Victims of a Flashflood Disaster.
- Mordeno IG, Cue MP.
- Community mental health journal. 2015 Jul;51(5)613-20.
- Although Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) was introduced in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition for a number of years already, only few studies have examined ASD in its latent level. Utilizing 998 respondents who experienced a deadly flashflood, the results revealed
- PMID 25575912
- Long-term effects on nitrogen and benthic fauna of extreme weather events: Examples from two Swedish headwater streams.
- Löfgren S, Grandin U, Stendera S.
- Ambio. 2014 ;43 Suppl 1()58-76.
- Climate change is expected to cause an increased frequency of extreme events such as heavy floods and major storms. Such stochastic events have an immediate impact on surface water quality, but the long-term effects are largely unknown. In this study, we assess long-term monitoring data from two Swe
- PMID 25403970
Japanese Journal
- 海外事情 エジプトのFlash Flood対策に対する台形CSGダム技術の適用性検討
- 短時間渓流閉塞時の堆積形状と決壊時のハイドログラフに関する実験的研究
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- flash flood 〔大雨の後に起こる〕鉄砲水 - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
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