- preceding all others in time or space or degree; "the first house on the right"; "the first day of spring"; "his first political race"; "her first baby"; "the first time"; "the first meetings of the new party"; "the first phase of his training"
- the first or highest in an ordering or series; "He wanted to be the first" (同)number_one
- the first element in a countable series; "the first of the month" (同)number_one, number 1
- an honours degree of the highest class (同)first-class honours degree
- indicating the beginning unit in a series (同)1st
- before anything else; "first we must consider the garter snake" (同)firstly, foremost, first of all, first off
- the initial time; "when Felix first saw a garter snake" (同)for_the_first_time
- ranking above all others; "was first in her class"; "the foremost figure among marine artists"; "the top graduate" (同)foremost, world-class
- before another in time, space, or importance; "I was here first"; "lets do this job first"
- highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections; "first soprano"; "the first violin section"; "played first horn"
- occurring at the time of death; "his last words"; "the last rites"
- a unit of capacity for grain equal to 80 bushels
- a unit of weight equal to 4,000 pounds
- the last or lowest in an ordering or series; "he was the last to leave"; "he finished an inglorious last"
- holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes (同)shoemaker''s last, cobbler''s last
- a persons dying act; the final thing a person can do; "he breathed his last"
- persist for a specified period of time; "The bad weather lasted for three days" (同)endure
- the item at the end; "last, Ill discuss family values" (同)lastly, in_conclusion, finally
- lowest in rank or importance; "last prize"; "in last place" (同)last-place, lowest
- highest in extent or degree; "to the last measure of human endurance"; "whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was...to be determined individually" (同)utmost
- coming after all others in time or space or degree or being the only one remaining; "the last time I saw Paris"; "the last day of the month"; "had the last word"; "waited until the last minute"; "he raised his voice in a last supreme call"; "the last game of the season"; "down to his last nickel"
- immediately past; "last Thursday"; "the last chapter we read"
- most unlikely or unsuitable; "the last person we would have suspected"; "the last man they would have chosen for the job"
- most_recently; "I saw him last in London"
- quite well; "she doesnt feel first-rate today" (同)very_well
- a straight line can be drawn between any two points
- a first-class honours degree in two subjects
- any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas (同)fir_tree, true fir
- nonresinous wood of a fir tree
- (順序・時間的に)『第1の』,1番目の;最初の / (階級・等級・重要度などが)『1番の』,第一級の,首席の,最も重要な / 『最初に』,まっ先に;1番目に,第1位に;初めて / (…するくらいなら)むしろ,いっそ(…のほうがいい)(rather, sooner) / 《通例the~》『最初のもの』;(月の)第1日;(時代の)第1年 / 《通例the~》初め,始まり / 〈U〉ファーストギヤ,低速ギヤ / 〈C〉《英》(競技などの)第1位,1等(試験の)第一級 / 《複数形で》最高級品,一級品 / 〈U〉=first base
- 《the ~》(順序・時間について)『最後の』;(行為・でき事について)最後の / 最後に残った,後のない / 《時を表す語につけて》『すぐ前の』,この前の,昨…,先…;最近の,この,ここ / 『最新の』,最近の / 《the ~》『最も』(…)『しそうにない』,最も(…)でない《+『名』+『to』 do(『that節』『wh-節』)》 / 《the ~》(地位・評価・重要さなどが)最も劣る / (特に人生の)終末の / 《the ~》最大の,この上ない(utmost) / (lateの最上級) / (順序・時間が)『最後に』,いちばん遅く / 『この前に』,最近 / (講演・論文などで)最後に,終りに臨んで / 《the ~》『最後の人』(『物』) / 最近のもの,この前のもの / 『最後』,終り,臨終;(月・週の)終り
- (時間的に)『続く』,継続する / 〈物が〉『使用に耐える』,〈力・精力などが〉もつ / 〈物が〉足りる,なくならない / …‘の'『間をもちこたえる』,‘を'生き続ける / 〈物などが〉(ある期間の間)〈人〉‘の'必要を満たす
- 靴型
- 一流の,第一級の,最上の: / 《話》すばらしい / すばらしくよく,順調に
- モミ,モミの木(クリスマスツリーに用いられる) / モミ材
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/01 07:19:43」(JST)
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first - 英語で「第一、1番目」などの意(序数詞)。1st。
- 一塁
- 一塁手
- ファーストヴァイオリン - オーケストラのパート
- FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams) - CSIRTの国際的な連合体
- ファーストグループ - スコットランドに本拠を置く交通企業グループ
- ファースト - 東京都中央区日本橋にあるパチスロメーカー
- FIRST - トータス松本のアルバム。
- First/Dreams Come True - 4minuteのシングル。
fast - 英語。発音は fάːst(英国英語)/fˈæst(米国英語)で、日本ではファストと表記されることもある。
1 形容詞で「速い、すばやい」、「固定した、固い、しっかりした」の意。
- ファーストフード
- ファーストバック(自動車のスタイル)
2 動詞、名詞で断食の意。
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Look up first in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
First or 1st is the ordinal form of the number one (#1).
First or 1st may also refer to:
- First (Grindelwald), minor summit below the Schwarzhorn in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland
- First (Kandersteg), mountain in Bernese Alps in Switzerland
- First (magazine), a Singaporean movie magazine
- First grade, in primary education
- For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), a worldwide youth robotics competition
- First, a British undergraduate degree classification
- FirstGroup, a large British transportation company operating buses, trains, coaches and trams
- FIRST, Far Infrared and Sub-millimetre Telescope, a previous name for Herschel Space Observatory
- First Racing, a former racing team
- First (communications), principles of communications
- FIRST (computer security), Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
- 1st, album by Streets
- 1st, EP by The Rasmus, frequently identified as a single
- First, album by Baroness
- First, album by David Gates
- First, album by O'Bryan
- First, album by Raymond Lam
- "First", song, by Lindsay Lohan
- First, album by Denise Ho
- "First", a song by Cold War Kids
- "First", a song by Lauren Daigle
See also
- FST (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "First"
- All pages with titles containing First
- Book:FIRST
- Category:Lists of firsts
- 1 (disambiguation)
- One (disambiguation)
- The First (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Indentation Creep Reservoirs for Drug-Eluting Poly(L-Lactic Acid) Scaffolds.
- Pandey A, Aswath P.SourceMaterials Science and Engineering Department, 500 West First Street, Room 325, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019, USA.
- Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition.J Biomater Sci Polym Ed.2012;22(12):1591-1606. Epub 2010 Jul 26.
- The indentation creep behavior of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) thin and thick films was examined. The creep rate was found to be strongly dependent on applied stress, as well as on the thickness of the PLLA film with creep rates being much larger in thin films compared to thick ones at lower stresses,
- PMID 20663280
- Closing the Gap: Cultural safety in Indigenous health education.
- Rigby W, Duffy E, Manners J, Latham H, Lyons L, Crawford L, Eldridge R.SourceSchool of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health, Charles Sturt University, NSW, Australia.
- Contemporary nurse : a journal for the Australian nursing profession.Contemp Nurse.2011 Dec;37(1):21-30.
- Abstract The challenge for the future is to embrace a new partnership aimed at closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians on life expectancy, educational achievement and employment opportunities. Significant improvements in contemporary Indigenous health care can be achieved t
- PMID 21591823
- Putting Indigenous cultural training into nursing practice.
- Downing R, Kowal E.SourceCentre for Health and Society, University of Melbourne, Carlton, VIC, Australia.
- Contemporary nurse : a journal for the Australian nursing profession.Contemp Nurse.2011 Dec;37(1):10-20.
- Abstract The provision of Indigenous cultural training for non-Indigenous health workers has been widely promoted as a method of improving health service provision to 'close the gap' in Indigenous health. However, in the absence of strong evidence, the power of Indigenous cultural training to meanin
- PMID 21591822
- Enterprise policy evaluation: Is there a 'new' way of doing it?
- Lenihan H.SourceDepartment of Economics, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
- Evaluation and program planning.Eval Program Plann.2011 Nov;34(4):323-32. Epub 2011 Mar 24.
- Given that most economies are now in recession, policymakers are looking to small firms to act as engines of economic growth; this has led to a revived interest in the role of enterprise policy. The 'new' enterprise policy is systemic, promoting and shaping externalities and capabilities. At its cor
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Japanese Journal
- Silk threads function as an 'adhesive cleaner' for nest space in a social spider mite
- Kanazawa Miki,Sahara Ken,Saito Yutaka
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences 278(1712), 1653-1660, 2011-06-07
- … We first learned that silk-weaving behaviour is not a by-product of nest building (nest reinforcement); …
- NAID 120003043354
- Redefining the concept of standardization for pluripotent stem cells.
- Sengoku Shintaro,Sumikura Koichi,Oki Toshihiko,Nakatsuji Norio
- Stem cell reviews 7(2), 221-226, 2011-06
- … Consequently, we came up two fundamental issues: first, these initiatives and attempts tend to be limited to each of currently existing categories of pluripotent stem cells, whereas the technological opportunity to enable clinical/commercial application is equally open to all stem cell types. …
- NAID 120003039179
- Bend formability and strength of Cu-Be-Co alloys
- Monzen Ryoichi,Hosoda Takasumi,Takagawa Yusaku,Watanabe Chihiro
- Journal of Materials Science 46(12), 4284-4289, 2011-06
- … In bending of the alloys with and without 0.01 and 0.03 wt% Mg, a number of micro necks first arise along grain boundaries, and part of them grows, resulting in surface wrinkles, which finally lead to surface cracking. …
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- Assessment and follow-up of intercostal nerve damage after video-assisted thoracic surgery.
- Miyazaki Takuro,Sakai Tetsuya,Tsuchiya Tomoshi,Yamasaki Naoya,Tagawa Tsutomu,Mine Mariko,Shibata Yoshisada,Nagayasu Takeshi
- European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery 39(6), 1033-1039, 2011-06
- … Conclusions: This is the first study that objectively evaluated pain after video-assisted thoracic surgery. …
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- (the ~)最後の、終わりの、最終の(opp. first)
- 最後に残った。臨終の
- すぐ/この前の、昨~、去る~、先~(opp. next)
- (the ~)最近の、最新の、最新流行の
- (the ~)最も~しそうもない。持っても不適当/不相当な
- 決定的な、最後の、究極の。(the ~)最上の、再開の、最低の(lowest)
- (強意)個々の