- the quality of being faithful (同)faithfulness
- accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal
- the quality of being unfaithful (同)unfaithfulness
- characterized by minimal distortion in sound reproduction; "a high-fidelity recording"; "a hi-fi system" (同)hi-fi
- the reproduction of sound with little or no distortion (同)hi-fi
- (…に対する)忠実,誠実,忠節,貞節《+『to』+『名』》 / (事実に対しての)正確さ,厳密さ / (ラジオの音などの)忠実度
- 〈U〉信心しないこと;(特に)キリスト教を信じないこと / 〈U〉不貞,不義;〈C〉不貞な行為
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For other uses, see Fidelity (disambiguation).
Palazzo Ducale in Venice: capital # 28 in the porch, featuring Virtues and vices -
In fidelitate nulli gero (Fidelity)
Fidelity is the quality of being faithful or loyal. Its original meaning regarded duty in a broader sense than the related concept of fealty. Both derive from the Latin word fidēlis, meaning "faithful or loyal". In the City of London financial markets it has traditionally been used in the sense encompassed in the motto "My word is my bond".
- 1 Audio
- 2 Scientific modelling and simulation
- 3 Program evaluation
- 4 References
See also: Sound recording and reproduction
Fidelity also denotes how accurately a copy reproduces its source. For example, a worn gramophone record will have a lower fidelity than one in good condition, and a recording made by a low budget record company in the early 20th century is likely to have significantly less audio fidelity than a good modern recording. In the 1950s, the terms "high fidelity" or "hi-fi" were popularized for equipment and recordings which exhibited more accurate sound reproduction. The converse term "lo-fi", does not necessarily mean "low fidelity", rather that the production ethic aims for "gritty authenticity" over perfect production. Similarly in electronics, fidelity refers to the correspondence of the output signal to the input signal, rather than sound quality, as in the popular internet connection technology "Wi-Fi".
Scientific modelling and simulation
In the fields of scientific modelling and simulation, fidelity refers to the degree to which a model or simulation reproduces the state and behaviour of a real world object, feature or condition. Fidelity is therefore a measure of the realism of a model or simulation.[1] Simulation fidelity has also been described in the past as "degree of similarity".[2]
Program evaluation
In the field of program evaluation, the term fidelity denotes how closely a set of procedures were implemented as they were supposed to have been. For example, it is difficult to draw conclusions from a study about formative assessment in school classrooms if the teachers are not able or willing to follow the procedures they received in training.[3]
- ^ "SISO-REF-002-1999: Fidelity Implementation Study Group Report". Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization. 1999. Retrieved January 2, 2015.
- ^ Hays, R. T.; Singer, M. J. (1989). Simulation fidelity in training system design: Bridging the gap between reality and training. Springer-Verlag.
- ^ O'Donnell, Carol L. (2008). "Defining, Conceptualizing, and Measuring Fidelity of Implementation and Its Relationship to Outcomes in K–12 Curriculum Intervention Research". Review of Educational Research 78 (1): 33–84. doi:10.3102/0034654307313793.
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English Journal
- A qualitative study of staff's perspectives on implementing an after school program promoting youth physical activity.
- Zarrett N, Skiles B, Wilson DK, McClintock L.SourceDepartment of Psychology, University of South Carolina, 1512 Pendleton Street, Columbia, SC 29208, USA.
- Evaluation and program planning.Eval Program Plann.2012 Aug;35(3):417-26. Epub 2012 Jan 28.
- Minimal effects found across youth physical activity (PA) interventions, and increased attention to circumstances that impede adequate delivery of program components, has highlighted the importance of learning from staff what is needed to foster staff comprehension and engagement for developing, ado
- PMID 22343428
- Circular DNA genomics (circomics) exemplified for geminiviruses in bean crops and weeds of northeastern Brazil.
- Wyant PS, Strohmeier S, Schäfer B, Krenz B, Assunção IP, Lima GS, Jeske H.SourceInstitute of Biology, Department of Molecular Biology and Plant Virology, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany.
- Virology.Virology.2012 Jun 5;427(2):151-7. Epub 2012 Mar 6.
- Circomics was coined to describe the combination of rolling circle amplification (RCA), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and pyro-sequencing to investigate the genome structures of small circular DNAs. A batch procedure is described using 61 plant samples from Asia, South America and
- PMID 22397740
- Wireless fast-scan cyclic voltammetry measurement of histamine using WINCS - a proof-of-principle study.
- Chang SY, Jay T, Muñoz J, Kim I, Lee KH.SourceDepartment of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA. chang.suyoune@mayo.edu.
- The Analyst.Analyst.2012 May 7;137(9):2158-65. Epub 2012 Mar 14.
- Histamine is among the most poorly understood biogenic amines, yet the histaminergic system spreads throughout the brain and has been implicated in functions as diverse as homeostasis and synaptic plasticity. Not surprisingly then, it has been linked to a number of conditions including minimally con
- PMID 22416270
Japanese Journal
- 能登 真規子
- 彦根論叢 (第402号), 20-33, 2014-12
- … paper studied the reality of the fidelityguarantee (Mimoto-Hosho) in Japan based onempirical research.In 2012, a questionnaire survey of Japanesecompanies on the fidelity guarantee was conductedwith a questionnaire sent out to 3,545listed companies and 4,313 non-listed companies.Among the 7,858 companies, a total of 925companies returned the questionnaire on time.Part (4) of the paper analyzed 174 fidelityguarantee documents sent by 170 companieswith their replies to the questionnaire.The title appearing most frequently on thedocuments is …
- NAID 120005526164
- 能登 真規子
- 彦根論叢 (第401号), 4-19, 2014-09
- … paper studied the reality of the fidelityguarantee (Mimoto-Hosho) in Japan based onempirical research.In 2012, a questionnaire survey of Japanesecompanies on the fidelity guarantee was conductedwith a questionnaire sent out to 3,545listed companies and 4,313 non-listed companies.Among the 7,858 companies, a total of 925companies returned the questionnaire on time.Data extracted from the questionnaire wereorganized and analyzed, and then comparedwith similar previous surveys carried out byProfessor Nobuo NISHIMURA in 1936 and1963.Part (3) of the paper …
- NAID 120005482658
- 微小なオーバフロー確率を許容する忠実度規範付き符号化 (情報理論)
- 八木 秀樹,野村 亮
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(138), 77-82, 2014-07-17
- NAID 40020150669
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