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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/28 12:53:52」(JST)
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Primary fibrinogenolysis is a medical condition that appears with abnormal production of fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products (FDP), degradation of coagulation factors V, VIII, IX, XI and/or degradation of the fibrin present in any pre-existing localized thrombi and hemostatic clots.[1][2]
References [edit]
- ^ Marder VJ, Williams WJ, Beutler E, Erslev AJ, Lichtman MA, eds. (1990). "Consumptive thrombohemorrhagic disorders". Hematology.
- ^ Potron G, Caen JP, Tobelem G, Soria C, eds. (1988). "Fisiopatologia delle iperfibrinolisi". Milano: Masson.
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English Journal
- Pharmacological and genetic depletion of fibrinogen protects from kidney fibrosis.
- Craciun FL1, Ajay AK1, Hoffmann D1, Saikumar J1, Fabian SL1, Bijol V2, Humphreys BD1, Vaidya VS3.
- American journal of physiology. Renal physiology.Am J Physiol Renal Physiol.2014 Aug 15;307(4):F471-84. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00189.2014. Epub 2014 Jul 9.
- Fibrinogen (Fg) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several fibrotic disorders by acting as a profibrotic ligand for a variety of cellular surface receptors and by modulating the provisional fibrin matrix formed after injury. We demonstrated increased renal Fg expression after unilateral uret
- PMID 25007874
- Targeted thrombolysis strategies for neuroprotective effect.
- Zhang J, Ma G, Lv Z, Zhou Y, Wen C, Wu Y, Xu R.
- Neural regeneration research.Neural Regen Res.2014 Jul 1;9(13):1316-22. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.137580.
- Stroke is usually treated by systemic thrombolytic therapy if the patient presents within an appropriate time window. There is also widespread interest in the development of thrombolytic agents that can be used in cases of delayed presentation. Current agents that can be used in cases of delayed pre
- PMID 25221585
- Structural identification and proteolytic effects of the hatching enzyme from starfish Asterias amurensis.
- Li ZJ, Kim SM1.
- Protein and peptide letters.Protein Pept Lett.2014 Jul;21(7):631-8.
- Hatching enzyme (HE) is secreted from the blastula stage during fertilization and can cleave the egg membrane. The structural identification and proteolytic effects on the collagen and fibrinogen were investigated in this study. Approximate 20 kDa of Asn-linked oligosaccharides were attached to the
- PMID 24559163
Japanese Journal
- レーザースペックルフローグラフィーにより血行動態を観察した特発性血小板減少性紫斑病(ITP)に合併した切迫型網膜中心静脈閉塞症の1例
- 新井 歌奈江/小暮 朗子/小野 まどか/田村 明子/堀 貞夫
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 82(E1), 254-259, 2012-01-31
- 目的:レーザースペックルフローグラフィー(LSFG)による切迫型網膜中心静脈閉塞症の血流動態の観察を行ったので報告する。,症例:30歳の女性。特発性血小板減少紫斑病の診断にてステロイドパルス療法を受けていた。治療4日後から左眼視野に光視症を主訴に当科受診した。視力は良好であったが、左眼網膜静脈は拡張、蛇行し、フルオレセイン蛍光眼底造影(FA)にて腕網膜時間の遅延を認めた。LSFGでは、右眼と比較し …
- NAID 110008767987
- 動脈瘤に起因する慢性DIC状態が原因と考えられた抜歯後出血の1例
- 天野 克比古,野村 公子,旭 吉直,大道 士郎,古郷 幹彦
- 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 54(11), 631-635, 2008-11-20
- … After a general examination, we diagnosed chronic DIC caused by an extensive dissecting aneurysm, based on evidence of advanced fibrinogenolysis. …
- NAID 10027089675
Related Links
- fibrinogenolysis /fi·bri·no·ge·nol·y·sis/ (-jĕ-nol´ĭ-sis) the proteolytic destruction of fibrinogen in circulating blood.fibrinogenolyt´ic fi·brin·o·gen·ol·y·sis (fī-brĭn′ə-jə-nŏl′ĭ-sĭs, fī′brə-nō-) n. The inactivation or dissolution of fibrinogen in the blood.
- fibrinogenolysis fi·brin·o·gen·ol·y·sis (fī-brĭn'ə-jə-nŏl'ĭ-sĭs, fī'brə-nō-) n. The inactivation or dissolution of fibrinogen in the blood.
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- 英
- fibrinogenolysis
- 関
- 線維素溶解、線溶