- highly excited; "a fevered imagination"
- a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection (同)febrility, febricity, pyrexia, feverishness
- intense nervous anticipation; "in a fever of resentment"
- (比較変化なし)《名詞の前にのみ用いて》熱のある,熱病にかかった / 熱にうかされたような,興奮した / (憎しみなどが)異常に強い
- 〈U〉《しばしばa fever》(身体の異常な)『熱』,発熱 / 〈U〉『熱病』 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)『興奮』,熱狂《+『for』+『名』》
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English Journal
- [Czech eponyms in pathology].
- Steiner I.AbstractThe 24th European Congress of Pathology taking place in Prague is an opportunity to remind our society of the Czech names appearing as eponyms in pathological terminology: Karel Rokitanský - R. protuberance in dermoid cyst; R. thrombogenic theory of atherosclerosis; Mayer - R. - Küster - Hauser - Winckel syndrome (congenital malformation of the vagina and uterus); Václav Treitz - T. duodenal ligament; T. retroperitoneal hernia; T. uremic colitis; Vilém Dušan Lambl - L. excrescences of heart valves; Lamblia (Giardia) intestinalis, and also the foundation of urological cytology; Stanislav Provázek - Prowazek - Halberstädter bodies (trachoma), Rickettsia Prowazeki (typhus fever); Josef Vaněk - V. tumor (gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp), and also discovery of the etiology of pneumocystic pneumonia; Otto Jírovec - Pneumocystis Jiroveci; Blahoslav Bednář - B. tumor (pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans). Keywords: Rokitansky - Treitz - Lambl - Prowazek - Vaněk - Jírovec - Bednář - history of pathology.
- Ceskoslovenská patologie.Cesk Patol.2013 Dec;49(1):51-4.
- The 24th European Congress of Pathology taking place in Prague is an opportunity to remind our society of the Czech names appearing as eponyms in pathological terminology: Karel Rokitanský - R. protuberance in dermoid cyst; R. thrombogenic theory of atherosclerosis; Mayer - R. - Küster - Hauser -
- PMID 23432077
- A one-step RT-PCR assay to detect and discriminate porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome viruses in clinical specimens.
- Yang K, Li Y, Duan Z, Guo R, Liu Z, Zhou D, Yuan F, Tian Y.SourceHubei Key Laboratory of Animal Embryo and Molecular Breeding, Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, PR China. Electronic address: keliy6@126.com.
- Gene.Gene.2013 Dec 1;531(2):199-204. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.09.017. Epub 2013 Sep 11.
- Outbreaks of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) have led to large economic losses and, subsequently, have drawn great attention to its diagnosis and prevention. To facilitate rapid discrimination of HP-PRRSV from classical PRRSV (C-PRRSV), we developed a
- PMID 24035936
- Ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients using HME filters and heated humidifiers.
- Oğuz S, Değer I.SourceDivision of Internal Medicine Nursing, Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Marmara University, Tıbbiye Caddesi, No:49, Haydarpasa Campus, Haydarpasa, Istanbul, Turkey, sidikaoguz@yahoo.com.
- Irish journal of medical science.Ir J Med Sci.2013 Dec;182(4):651-5. doi: 10.1007/s11845-013-0947-5. Epub 2013 Apr 9.
- BACKGROUND: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a clinical form of hospital-associated pneumonia, which may develop within 48 h in patients on mechanical ventilation who had no pre-existing pneumonia at the time of intubation.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the incidence
- PMID 23568432
Japanese Journal
- 強化療法中に成人型呼吸窮迫症候群を発症した急性リンパ性白血病の1例
- 犬飼 岳史,根本 篤,赤羽 弘資,広瀬 衣子,高橋 和也,佐藤 広樹,合井 久美子,杉田 完爾,中澤 眞平
- 日本小児血液学会雑誌 21(1), 32-36, 2007
- 成人型呼吸窮迫症候群 (ARDS) は, 好中球による肺障害がおもな病態である.われわれは, 急性リンパ性白血病の強化療法中にARDSを発症した症例を経験した.症例は12歳の女児.強化療法中の無好中球状態で発熱し, 中心静脈カテーテルの血液培養でα溶血性連鎖球菌 (α-Strept) が検出された.抗生剤投与で解熱したが3日後から再び発熱し, 顆粒球コロニー刺激因子 (G-CSF) の投与を開始し …
- NAID 130004117973
- Nerve Growth Factor Activity Detected in Equine Peripheral Blood of Horses with Fever after Truck Transportation.
- , , , , ,
- Journal of Equine Science 7(2), 43-46, 1996
- … significant NGF activity was detected in serum samples collected from 4 of the fevered horses. …
- NAID 130004431276
- <論文>近代日本における経済エリートの心性 : 四人の企業家のテキストをめぐって
- 永谷 健
- 京都社会学年報 : KJS 2, 39-56, 1994-12-25
- … On the other hand, they helped to cool down the fevered moneymaking aspiration among young men. …
- NAID 110000483130
Related Links
- fe·vered (fē′vərd) adj. 1. Having a fever or the symptoms associated with a fever: a hot, fevered forehead. 2. Characterized by intense activity or agitation; feverish: "fevered speculation about the possibility of cloning human beings" (Stephen S. Hall).
- プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第4版) - /fívrd/[形]((文))1 (病的な)熱のある;発熱したようなone's fevered brow|熱のあるおでこa fevered imagination|熱にうかされたような妄想.2 とても興奮したfevered negotiations|白熱した交渉 ...
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