- any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores
- シダの,シダの茂った
- シダ;《集合的に》シダの群生
English Journal
- Not part of my routine: a qualitative study of use and understanding of UV forecast information and the SunSmart app.
- Nicholson A, Murphy M, Walker H, Tinker R, Dobbinson S.
- BMC public health. 2019 Aug;19(1)1127.
- The Ultraviolet (UV) Index provides a reliable means of monitoring the strength of UV radiation at the Earth's surface, which can be used to indicate the potential for skin damage. This qualitative study aims to examine public understanding of the UV Index among Australians who routinely use UV fore
- PMID 31420026
- Effectiveness of a cough management algorithm at the transitional phase from acute to chronic cough in Australian children aged <15 years: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
- O'Grady KF, Grimwood K, Toombs M, Sloots TP, Otim M, Whiley D, Anderson J, Rablin S, Torzillo PJ, Buntain H, Connor A, Adsett D, Meng Kar O, Chang AB.
- BMJ open. 2017 03;7(3)e013796.
- Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are leading causes of hospitalisation in Australian children and, if recurrent, are associated with increased risk of chronic pulmonary disorders later in life. Chronic (>4 weeks) cough in children following ARI is associated with decreased quality-of-life score
- PMID 28259853
- A Methodology to Monitor Airborne PM Dust Particles Using a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
- Alvarado M, Gonzalez F, Erskine P, Cliff D, Heuff D.
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 2017 Feb;17(2).
- Throughout the process of coal extraction from surface mines, gases and particles are emitted in the form of fugitive emissions by activities such as hauling, blasting and transportation. As these emissions are diffuse in nature, estimations based upon emission factors and dispersion/advection equat
- PMID 28216557
Japanese Journal
- 田崎 耕市
- 岡山大学温泉研究所報告 (45), p1-6, 1976-03
- … 1) ferny type and 2) skeletal type. … The ferny type morphology comprises the clusters of needle and rail or fence like crystals. …
- NAID 120002310955
- 木村 康一 [他],野呂 征男
- 生薬学雑誌 19(1), 25-31, 1965-06
- "Gu-sui-bu" (骨砕補) has been used in China from about 5 th century as the drug which has anodyne, styptic and antiinflammatory action. It is used for the treatment of a bruise, toothache, pyorrhoea and …
- NAID 110008907574
- 漢薬骨砕補の生薬学的研究 その3 : 骨砕補およびその近縁植物の鱗片の形態(シダ類生薬の生薬学的研究 第13報)
- 木村 康一,野呂 征男
- 生薬学雑誌 19(2), 99-110, 1965
- Shapes and structures of scales of original and analogous plants of Gu-sui-bu (Drynaria, Agraomorpha and Davallia spp. etc.) are shown in plates. The structures of rhizomes in each species are very re …
- NAID 110008907586
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- Pteridophyta