- in a fearsome manner; "a sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions"
- 恐ろしい,ものすごい / 恐れている,びくびくしている
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/09/08 19:37:31」(JST)
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Fearsome may refer to:
- Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods, With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts
- Fearsome critters, term from early lumberjack folklore for a variety of mythical beasts
- Fearsome Five, fictional group of comic book supervillains from DC Comics
- Fearsome Four, college rugby national championship tournament
- Fearsome Foursome (American football), title used in reporting American Professional Football
- Fearsome Foursome (comics), fictional supervillain group in the Marvel Comics universe
See also
- Feersum Endjinn, science fiction novel by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks
English Journal
- Polio, AIDS, and Ebola: A Recurrent Ethical Dilemma.
- , K K, P P, P P, .
- Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2019 Jul;().
- During the 2014 West African outbreak, a dilemma emerged about the ethics of conducting randomized placebo-controlled trials in the midst of a rapidly spreading, devastating epidemic for which there was no effective treatment. The dilemma has in fact has deep historic roots; it has appeared in sever
- PMID 31339992
- Neonatal Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome: Why We Should not Sleep on it. Literature Review of Fourty-two Neonatal Onset Cases.
- Bardanzellu F, Pintus MC, Fanos V, Marcialis MA.
- Current pediatric reviews. 2019 Jun;().
- Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), also referred with the expression "Ondine's Curse" is a rare genetic life-long disease resulting from the mutation of PHOX2B gene on chromosome 4p12.3. CCHS represents an autonomic nervous system disorder; its more fearsome manifestation is central
- PMID 31223092
- A Preliminary Test of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide in Women Seeking Shelter From Intimate Partner Violence.
- Wolford-Clevenger C, Smith PN, Kuhlman S, D'Amato D.
- Journal of interpersonal violence. 2019 Jun;34(12)2476-2497.
- Women seeking shelter from intimate partner violence (IPV) are at greater risk of suicide ideation and attempts compared with women in the general population. A theoretically grounded understanding of suicide risk in shelter-seeking women is critical to improve assessment and management of suicide r
- PMID 27456533
Japanese Journal
- アイルランド系移民にとっての南北戦争--回想録から読み解く「アイルランド人旅団」の記憶
- Melville's Quest for Art in Typee
- The reaction of monkeys to "fearsome" pictures
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- at night the child would always imagine that there were fearsome monsters lurking under his bed after working all afternoon in the hot sun, I had developed a ... Comments on fearsome What made you want to look up fearsome?
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