- to the greatest distance in space or time (`farthest is used more often than `furthest in this physical sense); "see who could jump the farthest"; "chose the farthest seat from the door"; "he swam the furthest" (同)furthest
- (距離的に)『最も遠く』,いちばん離れて / (程度が)最大限に / 最も遠い / 最大限の
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- 1. 母指痛患者の評価 evaluation of the patient with thumb pain
English Journal
- Differences in levels of inflammatory mediators in meniscal and synovial tissue of patients with meniscal lesions.
- Ogura T1, Suzuki M2, Sakuma Y3, Yamauchi K4, Orita S5, Miyagi M6, Ishikawa T7, Kamoda H8, Oikawa Y9, Kanisawa I10, Takahashi K11, Sakai H12, Nagamine T13, Fukuda H14, Takahashi K15, Ohtori S16, Tsuchiya A17.
- Journal of experimental orthopaedics.J Exp Orthop.2016 Dec;3(1):7. doi: 10.1186/s40634-016-0041-9. Epub 2016 Feb 3.
- BACKGROUND: Meniscal injuries are a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA). While a mechanical pathway between meniscal injury and OA has been described, the biological effects of inflammation on this pathway have yet to be clarified. The aim of our study was to compare levels of specific inflammatory
- PMID 26915007
- Shrubline but not treeline advance matches climate velocity in montane ecosystems of south-central Alaska.
- Dial RJ1, Scott Smeltz T1, Sullivan PF2, Rinas CL1, Timm K1, Geck JE1, Carl Tobin S1, Golden TS1, Berg EC3.
- Global change biology.Glob Chang Biol.2016 May;22(5):1841-56. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13207. Epub 2016 Feb 9.
- Tall shrubs and trees are advancing into many tundra and wetland ecosystems but at a rate that often falls short of that predicted due to climate change. For forest, tall shrub, and tundra ecosystems in two pristine mountain ranges of Alaska, we apply a Bayesian, error-propagated calculation of expe
- PMID 26719133
- Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on feeding methods and newborn growth at 1 month postpartum: results from the Fukushima Health Management Survey.
- Kyozuka H1, Yasuda S2, Kawamura M2, Nomura Y2, Fujimori K2, Goto A3,4, Yasumura S3,4, Abe M3.
- Radiation and environmental biophysics.Radiat Environ Biophys.2016 May;55(2):139-46. doi: 10.1007/s00411-016-0636-7. Epub 2016 Feb 13.
- This study examined the effects of three disasters (the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, followed by a tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident) on feeding methods and growth in infants born after the disasters. Using results from the Fukushima Health Management S
- PMID 26875100
- Migration of Nucleocapsids in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Infected Cells is Dependent on Both Microtubules and Actin Filaments.
- Yacovone SK1, Smelser AM1, Macosko JC2, Holzwarth G1, Ornelles DA1, Lyles DS3.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2016 Apr 27. pii: JVI.00488-16. [Epub ahead of print]
- The distribution of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm of infected cells was analyzed by scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy using a newly developed quantitative approach called the border-to-border distribution method. Nucleocapsids were located near the cell nucl
- PMID 27122580
Japanese Journal
- A Precise Model for Cross-Point Memory Array
- EUREKA 遠方宇宙を調べる為のガリレオ衛星食観測 : ガリレオ衛星食発光の予想外の発見
- 狭域交通情報共有のための車車間通信における車両位置情報に基づく効率的な中継転送方式の提案
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- 嫁に聞いた 役に立つはなし
- And inaudible, too, by mortal ear, but heard with all-comprehending love and pity in the farthest heaven, that almost agony of prayer --now whispered, now a groan, now a struggling silence--wherewith she besought the Divine ...
- farthestとは。意味や和訳。[形容詞] (far の最上級)1 いちばん[最も]遠い.2 最も長[遠]距離の,最長の.3 最も進んだ,最大限の.at (the) farthest(1)最も遠くとも.(2)遅くとも(at the latest).(3)せいぜい(at most). [副詞] (far の最上級)1 ...
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