- known widely and usually unfavorably; "a notorious gangster"; "the tenderloin district was notorious for vice"; "the infamous Benedict Arnold"; (同)infamous, notorious
- the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed (同)celebrity, renown
- favorable public reputation
- 名高い;(…で)有名な《+『for』+『名』》
- 『名声』,高名,声望 / 評判,世評
English Journal
- FAMED-Net: A Fast and Accurate Multi-Scale End-to-End Dehazing Network.
- Zhang J, Tao D.
- IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. 2020 ;29()72-84.
- Single image dehazing is a critical image pre-processing step for subsequent high-level computer vision tasks. However, it remains challenging due to its ill-posed nature. Existing dehazing models tend to suffer from model overcomplexity and computational inefficiency or have limited representation
- PMID 31283505
- Gold nano particles synthesized from Strychni semen and its anticancer activity in cholangiocarcinoma cell (KMCH-1).
- Li Y, Ke Y, Zou H, Wang K, Huang S, Rengarajan T, Wang L.
- Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology. 2019 Dec;47(1)1610-1616.
- Nanotechnology has been materialized as a proficient technology for the development of anticancer nanoparticles all the way through an environment-friendly approach. Conventionally, nanoparticles have been assembled by dissimilar methods, but regrettably rely on the negative impact on the natural en
- PMID 31072209
- Antibiotic potentiation and anti-cancer competence through bio-mediated ZnO nanoparticles.
- Ruddaraju LK, Pammi SVN, Pallela PNVK, Padavala VS, Kolapalli VRM.
- Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. 2019 Oct;103()109756.
- Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is currently used in nano-cosmeceuticals and nano-pharmaceuticals topically due to their multifunctional efficiency irrespective of the synthetic method. Bio-reducers are cosmopolitically famed to attain stable, reliable, and toxic free synthesis. Thus, the objective of the current
- PMID 31349415
Japanese Journal
- China's National Parks: Development Background and Barriers to Nature Conservation
- Bixia Chen,Yuanmei Jiao,Yi Xie,Thomas Jones
- 日本森林学会大会発表データベース 130(0), 47, 2019
- … The swarming in of tourists also brought the great economic improvement around the forest parks, in particular, those with famed scenic sites. …
- NAID 130007645484
- Natsume Sōseki's English Translation of Hōjōki : Characteristics and Strategies
- PRADHAN Gouranga Charan
- Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (32), 69-88, 2019
- … This paper examines the English-language translation of Hōjōki by famed novelist Natsume Sōseki (1867–1916). …
- NAID 120006558609
- 岡本 隆司
- 史林 = The Journal of history 101(6), 967-984, 2018-11
- … Today the Kongzi Miao, the Chinese Confucian temple in Nagasaki, is chiefly famed as a tourist destination. …
- NAID 120006605398
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- famedとは。意味や和訳。[形]((形式))(…で)有名な,よく知られた≪for,to be≫,(…として)名高い(famous)≪as≫ - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。
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