- 派閥的な,党派心の強い
English Journal
- [Study of corvitin efficiency in primary glaucoma].
- Mykheĭtseva IM, Kashyntseva LT, Artemov OV, Khramenko NI.
- Fiziolohichnyĭ zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994).Fiziol Zh.2012;58(6):81-8.
- There were concluded our results of animal experimental investigation and clinical observation of the quercetin-containing preparation corvitin (C) in primary glaucoma treatment. On the model of disease it is shown for rabbit, that introduction of 0.5 ml 2 % C as factious instillation into the eye a
- PMID 23530417
- [Depressive symptoms in pathomimia: comorbidity or psychiatric factitious disorder?].
- Bordes G1, Schuster JP, Limosin F.
- L'Encéphale.Encephale.2011 Apr;37(2):133-7. doi: 10.1016/j.encep.2010.04.010. Epub 2010 Jul 1.
- BACKGROUND: The factitious disorders, more commonly known as pathomimia, are mainly expressed as organic symptoms voluntarily induced by the patient. Patients suffering from these disorders do not seek to obtain immediate secondary benefits, contrary to simulation. They send the physician a challeng
- PMID 21482231
- [Sulfonylureas dosage: from therapeutic monitoring to differential diagnosis of hyperinsulinism].
- Denooz R1, Charlier C.
- Revue médicale de Liège.Rev Med Liege.2010 Sep;65(9):493-7.
- More than fifty years after their marketing, sulfonylureas remain one of the most prescribed drugs for the treatment of non-insulino-dependent diabetes mellitus. However, these products are sometimes responsible of unexplained and severe hypoglycaemias observed in patient without diabetic pathology.
- PMID 21086579
Japanese Journal
- CGILにおける諸潮流の対立・抗争(1990年代)
- 河野 穣
- 経営政策論集 3(1), 31-70, 2003-12
- 1970年代のイタリアにおける労使関係は最大限要求主義、紛争の継続、生産現場では労働者こそ主人公化という要求をはらんだ労使関係であった。その思惑とはちがって、この労使関係は新しいものを生み出すこともなく、イタリア経済、したがってまた勤労者の生活を混乱させた。80年秋のFIATにおける大紛争の労働側の敗北をもってこの労使関係は終焉する。新しい労使関係の枠組み形成は遅れる。90年代には国際共産主義体制 …
- NAID 110004496924
- 観光の語りを虚構として分析する方法に関する考察#1
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- factious criticism disturbs judgement and tends to unnerve. Our politics have been self-willed, factious and vulgar. Successful systems change will be greatly enhanced when factious messages are replaced by ...
- fac·tious adjective \ ˈ fak-shəs\ Definition of FACTIOUS: of or relating to faction: as a: caused by faction <factious disputes> b: inclined to faction or the formation of factions c: seditious — fac·tious·ly adverb — fac·tious·ness noun ...
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