- extremely annoying or displeasing; "his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating"; "Ive had an exasperating day"; "her infuriating indifference"; "the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening" (同)infuriating, maddening, vexing
- greatly annoyed; out of patience; "had an exasperated look on his face"; "felt exasperated beyond endurance" (同)cheesed off, browned off
- 〈人〉‘を'怒らせる,いらだたせる
- (言動など)腹の立つ,しゃくにさわる
English Journal
- Heartsink – patient, doctor or consultation?
- Lee R.AbstractI recently participated in a registrar education discussion about 'heartsink' patients. What is a heartsink patient? O'Dowd appears to have coined the phrase and refers to patients who 'exasperate, defeat and overwhelm their doctors by their behaviour'. He implemented a plan to identify, discuss and actively manage the heartsink patients at his practice and his definition has led to a classification of typical trigger patients and guidelines on how to best manage these patients
- Australian family physician.Aust Fam Physician.2012 Jul;41(7):455.
- I recently participated in a registrar education discussion about 'heartsink' patients. What is a heartsink patient O'Dowd appears to have coined the phrase and refers to patients who 'exasperate, defeat and overwhelm their doctors by their behaviour'. He implemented a plan to identify, discuss and
- PMID 22937552
- [Effect of normo- and hypobaric hypoxia on ultrastructure of the lung and myocardial tissue].
- Rozova KV.AbstractPriority of effect of oxygen concentration and/or atmospheric pressure changes on morphofunctional state of lung tissue and myocardium under exasperate influence on the organism, which lead to the development of different hypoxic states, was investigated. It was shown, that the intermittent hypoxia without barometric pressure lowering influence on ultrastructure of tissues less traumatically, then hypobaric hypoxia. Additional acute hypoxic influence and acute hemorrhage accompanied with less significant structural violations in lung tissue and myocardium of animals, which were adapted to hypobaric hypoxia. Stress exchanges were less considerable after normobaric hypoxic trainings.
- Fiziolohichnyĭ zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994).Fiziol Zh.2008;54(2):63-8.
- Priority of effect of oxygen concentration and/or atmospheric pressure changes on morphofunctional state of lung tissue and myocardium under exasperate influence on the organism, which lead to the development of different hypoxic states, was investigated. It was shown, that the intermittent hypoxia
- PMID 18589688
- The creatine kinase/creatine connection to Alzheimer's disease: CK-inactivation, APP-CK complexes and focal creatine deposits.
- Bürklen TS, Schlattner U, Homayouni R, Gough K, Rak M, Szeghalmi A, Wallimann T.SourceInstitute of Cell Biology, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg HPM, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland.
- Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology.J Biomed Biotechnol.2006;2006(3):35936.
- Cytosolic brain-type creatine kinase (BB-CK), which is coexpressed with ubiquitous mitochondrial uMtCK, is significantly inactivated by oxidation, in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Since CK has been shown to play a fundamental role in cellular energetics of the brain, any disturbance of this enz
- PMID 17047305
Japanese Journal
- A New Sphingolipid and Furanocoumarins with Antimicrobial Activity from Ficus exasperata
- , , [他], , , , ,
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 60(8), 1072-1075, 2012
- From the methanol extract of the stem bark of Ficus exasperata, a new sphingolipid named Ficusamide, (2S,3S,4R,11E)-2-[(2′,3′-dihydroxyhexacosanoylamino)]-11-octadecene-1,3,4-triol (1), along with thr …
- NAID 130001852517
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- exasperate 【他動】 〔嫌なことを繰り返して人を〕憤慨させる、イライラさせる... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- exasperateの派生語 exasperater [名詞] exasperatedly [副詞] exasperatingly [副詞] exasperating [形容詞] 腹立たしい,しゃくにさわる. 「exasperate」の前の言葉 exanthem exarch 1 exarchate 「exasperate」の後の言葉 exc. to 2位 ...
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