- a flock of larks (especially a flock of larks in flight overhead)
- the location of a planet in the zodiac at which it is believed to exert its maximum influence
- (地位・名誉などを)高めること,昇進 / (精神などの)高ぶり,有張天
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Look up exalt or exaltation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Exalt or exaltation may refer to:
- Exaltation (astrology), an essential dignity of a planet
- Exaltation (Mormonism), a belief in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Exaltation of Christ or "Session of Christ", a Christian doctrine
- Exaltation of the Cross or "Feast of the Cross", an Orthodox Christian holiday
- Exaltation, in Freemasonry, the initiation ritual into the Holy Royal Arch degree
- LG Exalt, a flip phone
See also
- Exaltacion (disambiguation)
- Exalted, a role-playing game produced by White Wolf
- Exalted (comics), a 2005-07 comic based on the game
- The Exalter (Ar-Rāfiʿ), in Islam, one of the 99 names of Allah
English Journal
- Field Distribution of END Phenomenon-Negative Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus.
- Nishine K1, Aoki H, Sakoda Y, Fukusho A.
- The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science.J Vet Med Sci.2014 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Field isolates of BVDV which do not show the exaltation of Newcastle disease virus (END) phenomenon (END¯) are rarely reported. In this study, 45 BVDV field isolates from cattle in Hokkaido prefecture in Japan were analyzed by the reverse plaque formation method, the END method and observation of c
- PMID 25187208
- Exaltation in temporal lobe epilepsy: neuropsychiatric symptom or portal to the divine?
- McCrae N1, Whitley R.
- The Journal of medical humanities.J Med Humanit.2014 Sep;35(3):241-55. doi: 10.1007/s10912-014-9294-4.
- Religiosity is a prominent feature of the Geschwind syndrome, a behavioural pattern found in some cases of temporal lobe epilepsy. Since the 1950s, when Wilder Penfield induced spiritual feelings by experimental manipulation of the temporal lobes, development of brain imaging technology has revealed
- PMID 25017116
- Polarizability of fullerene [2+2]-dimers: a DFT study.
- Sabirov DSh1, Terentyev AO, Bulgakov RG.
- Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.Phys Chem Chem Phys.2014 Jul 28;16(28):14594-600. doi: 10.1039/c3cp55528c.
- Currently, the exaltation of polarizability of (C60)2 dimers has been predicted with DFT-methods (D. Sh. Sabirov, RSC Adv., 2013, 3(42), 19430). It consists of an increase in the polarizability when two C60 molecules are united, forming a [2+2]-dimer. In the present work, we point attention to the b
- PMID 24798931
- Enhancing optofluidic actuation of micro-objects by tagging with plasmonic nanoparticles.
- Burgin J, Si S, Delville MH, Delville JP.
- Optics express.Opt Express.2014 May 5;22(9):10139-50. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.010139.
- We report experimentally and theoretically on the significant exaltation of optical forces on microparticles when they are partially coated by metallic nanodots and shined with laser light within the surface plasmon resonance. Optical forces on both pure silica particles and silica-gold raspberries
- PMID 24921718
Japanese Journal
- ピエール・ルヴェルディと「レアリテのリリスム」(研究論文)
- 山口 孝行
- フランス語フランス文学研究 (101), 159-174, 2012-08-31
- … reverdien, ce n'est pas tant l'exaltation du sujet propre au lyrisme romantique, que le <<choc>> …
- NAID 110009543621
- 水野 俊誠
- 哲学 126, 81-106, 2011-03-00
- … "Sense of dignity" is "the feeling of personal exaltation and degradation which acts independently of people's opinion, or even in defiance of it". …
- NAID 40018860871
- Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Quasispecies Detection and Distribution of END phenomenon Negative Virus in Field Strains
- 西根 薫,青木 博史,迫田 義博,福所 秋雄
- 獣医疫学雑誌 16(1), 19-20, 2011
- … The purpose of this study was to detect and quantify bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) quasispecies in field endemic BVDV strains, and to analyze a co-relation between quantity of these quasispieces and variety of clinical sign on bovine viral diarrhea virus infections.<BR>Forty five of BVDV isolates in Hokkaido prefecture were analyzed by the exaltation of Newcastle disease virus (END) method, the reverse plaque formation (RPF) method using vesicular stomatitis virus, and observation of cytopathic effect (CPE). …
- NAID 130003368616
- 倉山 満
- 憲法論叢 (17), 91-111, 2010-12-24
- … A current research is exaltation of the nationalism done when he is young and it is insisted that thought be fundamentally changed. …
- NAID 110008594000
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- exaltationとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]((形式))1 (名誉・地位などを)高めること;賞賛;昇進.2 (異常・病的な感情の)高揚, 有頂天fill a person with exaltation人を有頂天にする.3 (器官の機能の)異常な高進. - goo辞書は国語、英和 ...
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