- (astronomy) an arbitrarily fixed date that is the point in time relative to which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is recorded (同)date of reference
- a unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself divided into ages
- (usually plural) the components needed for making or doing something; "the recipe listed all the makings for a chocolate cake"
- 新しい時代を開く,画期的な
- 『画期的な時代』,時期 / (歴史上の)新時代,新紀元 / 世(せい)(紀(period)の次に小さい単位)
- 〈U〉作ること,でき上がること;(…の)製造《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《the~》(人を)成功(進歩)させる原因《+『of』+『名』〈人〉》 / 《the makings》(…の)適性,素資;(…の)材料,原料《+『of』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Epoch-making milestones in antibiotic exploratory researches in Japan.
- Hotta K1.
- Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry.Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.2017 Jan;81(1):23-27.
- PMID 27885928
- Autoimmune liver diseases in the Asia-Pacific region: Proceedings of APASL symposium on AIH and PBC 2016.
- Tanaka A1, Ma X2, Yokosuka O3, Weltman M4, You H5, Amarapurkar DN6, Kim YJ7, Abbas Z8, Payawal DA9, Chang ML10,11, Efe C12, Ozaslan E13, Abe M14, Mitchell-Thain R15, Zeniya M16, Han KH17, Vierling JM18, Takikawa H19.
- Hepatology international.Hepatol Int.2016 Nov;10(6):909-915. Epub 2016 Sep 20.
- PMID 27649967
- Production of genome-edited pluripotent stem cells and mice by CRISPR/Cas.
- Horii T1, Hatada I.
- Endocrine journal.Endocr J.2016;63(3):213-9. doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ15-0734. Epub 2016 Jan 6.
- PMID 26743444
Japanese Journal
- ―ブレード式キャンバス洗浄装置―AOKIクリーナー
- 協同運動の源流を探り、新時代に生かす : 大原幽学・二宮尊徳から学ぶ (特集 協同総合研究所25周年(1)論考編 : 協同と労働の過去・現在・未来)
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