English Journal
- IgA Nephropathy and Psoriatic Arthritis that Improved with Steroid Pulse Therapy and Mizoribine in Combination with Treatment for Chronic Tonsillitis and Epipharyngitis.
- Kaneko T1, Mii A, Fukui M, Nagahama K, Shimizu A, Tsuruoka S.
- Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan).Intern Med.2015;54(9):1085-90. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.54.3510. Epub 2015 May 1.
- A 65-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with edema and renal dysfunction. He had received a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis at 50 years of age. As a renal biopsy showed IgA nephropathy (IgAN), bilateral tonsillectomy was performed, and one course of steroid pulse therapy with an oral steroid
- PMID 25948353
- [Inapparent primary hypothyroidism].
- Bogdanovska A, Tadzer IS.
- Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences.Prilozi.2005 Aug;26(1):35-9.
- Some 12 years ago a 56-year-old man was observed for Epipharyngitis. All the tests, including cytology of the epipharynx, were normal. Thyroid tests, including free thyroxine and triiodthyronine, were normal, only the hypophysial thyroid stimulating hormone was elevated. In a second IGR TSH test it
- PMID 16118613
- Miyahara H1, Matsunaga T.
- Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum.Acta Otolaryngol Suppl.1994;517:36-9.
- Tornwaldt's disease was first described by Tornwaldt as one of the causes of epipharyngitis, and is an inflammation or abscess of the embryonic remnant cyst of the pharyngeal bursa appearing at the posterior median wall of the nasopharynx. Although many cases are symptom-free, symptoms can often be
- PMID 7856446
Japanese Journal
- A群溶連菌咽頭・扁桃炎患者における上咽頭病変の検討
- 当センターにおける音声障害の統計的観察 : 声の職業性と喫煙習慣を中心に
- 楠山 敏行,池田 俊也,森 有子,宮本 真,佐藤 剛史,浅香 明日美,中川 秀樹,田村 悦代,新美 成二,福田 宏之
- 音声言語医学 51(4), 318-323, 2010-10-20
- 目的;本邦初の喉頭に特化した東京ボイスセンター(以下当センター)における音声障害症例に対して統計学的検討を行った.対象;過去5年間に受診した音声障害症例4075例である.方法;性,年齢,疾患,喫煙歴,声の職業性などについて統計学的に検討した.結果;声帯に噐質的変化を認めるもののなかでは声帯結節,喉頭炎,声帯ポリープの順に,声帯に著変を認めないもののなかでは機能性発声障害,上咽頭炎,痙攣性発声障害の …
- NAID 10026596813
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- nasopharyngitis
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