English Journal
- Cleavage pattern and mesentoblast formation in Acanthochiton crinitus (Polyplacophora, Mollusca).
- van den Biggelaar JA1.
- Developmental biology.Dev Biol.1996 Mar 15;174(2):423-30.
- In characteristic spiralian embryos the mesentoblast is the stem cell of the mesodermal bands. It is a derivative of the dorsal quadrant. At least in gastropod molluscs, the ancestral form for the specification of the dorsal quadrant out of four initially equal quadrants is by centralization of one
- PMID 8631512
- [Significance of the endodermal sinus tumor (Teilum) and of simplified teratoma of vitelline determination].
- Gaillard JA.
- Bulletin du cancer.Bull Cancer.1976 Jan-Mar;63(1):27-40.
- The histogenesis of yolk-sac tumors has been explained by a selective cloning for extra-embryonic entoblast amongst totipotent carcinoma stemcells. The diverses appearances of the tumor growths are expressed mainly in the range of cyto-differentiations of entoblastic tissue rather than in their abil
- PMID 1033003
- [Why does the heart not develop after extirpation of the entoblast in the larva of Urodela?].
- Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales.C R Seances Soc Biol Fil.1961;155:2219-20.
- PMID 13891831
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- entoblastとは。意味や和訳。[名詞]1 〔発生〕 =endoderm 1.2 〔発生〕 =hypoblast.entoblastic [èntəblǽstik] [形容詞] - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 ... で始まる で一致する で終わる を説明文 ...
- en·to·blast (ĕn′tə-blăst′) n. Any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops. entoblast (ˈɛntəʊˌblæst) n 1. (Zoology) embryol a less common name for endoderm 2. (Zoology) a less common name for hypoblast ...
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